What do you think, let me know!
Quote: “Dogs do speak, but only to those that listen”
Question: should I change my username?
Suggestions of I do Change my username: -scatteredroses-, -exhale, -scatteredflora-



Tap What do you think, let me know! Quote: “Dogs do speak, but only to those that listen” Question: should I change my username? Suggestions of I do Change my username: -scatteredroses-, -exhale, -scatteredflora- 7/23/20

59 3
love this! I have 2 dogs and I might get another
I don’t really know, I like your username!
I’m good! Nothing really has been going on. I’m just watching a movie! What have you been doing lately?
thank you!
I’m watching Jumanji! What book are you reading?
I’ve never heard of that! Is it good?
He’s trying to sleep right now!
He’s so furry so all he does is sleep during the summer
thank you
@caption they all sound cute
nawhh nothing newww :/
also im loving this collage wheewwwww😍
awwwww bRuv ur too sweet🥺💞💞
i’m doing well, how are you?
woww stunning!!
thank you! but this is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better
good! how are you? do you have any pets
I just realised you only need 5 more followers to 900
your welcome I love your new user
my birthday is December 9th
when’s yours
that’s soon
are you excited?
hi Ellie I love your name 😍😍😍
I am Aya !
I am good bang bang
what’s your fave food Ellie
you’ll see I am always talking about food
I love pizza and sushi’s and MEat
you’re a green girl ?
LOVIN the new user ITS A M A Z I N G 💖🥺
nooo 😭😭😭
I wish I have some
my mom don’t want us to have dog or cats
and my dad don’t want any fish at home 😭
and you ?
&’ good what about you?
Literally nothing haha 😂 you?
That’s cool!
ooo caaaat what kind of cat ?
I’m just bored 😐😂
I need to do stuff but I can’t 🥺🥺
My pets are good I’m just sitting with my dog rn
can you show me ?
I don’t know tabbys
I bet it’s cute
aaaaa you’re so luckyyy
what are your passion btw
thank u!!!
thank you!!💕
I have been working on flexibility and working out
im doing good :)
well i just came home from a vacation in florida so i wasn’t bored at all over there😂
* copy / paste (SORRY) * hey! i would love if you could go enter my battle of the collages contest, inspired by @Golden-Vibes! the form to enter is posted on my account now! thank you so much! ❤️
yeah!! i have two dogs, one is a puppy and the other is old
how about you?
macho and Mickey :)
if you want to see some pictures of them check my remixes
this is so pretty!! 😍
i’m good! how’s are you?
@caption: i like both that have scattered in the name
tysm , same to you, ur collages are stunning too 🌸🤩🤩💖
I’m fine thank wbu ??
thanxx **
wow amazing!!
u deserve way more followers, ur so talented 💖💖💖
i’m doing good today, wbu??
good hru?
playing video games and listening to music alone :/ hbu?
summer work for some of my classes this school year :/
what about you?
I’m good! Thanks for asking! I went to my cousins house so I couldn’t respond earlier!
BTW I love your new username!
tysm !!💙
i love this 🤩
i’m doing pretty good , i’ve been doing cheer stuff and summer work for my classes and also playing video games with my friends
how are you ? :)
I’m super good!! it’s the weekend so I’m happy!! wbu?
that’s fun! i have a dog, who we named samson (sam for short) and a cat, who we named kit kat!
No, Viggo gets to crazy when it comes to meeting new people! He just can’t calm himself down so we don’t bring him.
I’m really into art, so I do a lot of drawings, digital paintings and calligraphy
I’m also doing some baking and cooking to pass my time
September 8th hopefully. that sounds awesome!
when does yours?
that’s good , anything interesting going on ?
omg same I’ve stared workouts too
like chloe ting and holly dolke
i’ve done some of my school work and i’m going to be painting my room tomorrow since i’m redoing my room
oh! do you think you’ll be at school?
I really don’t have a favorite food! There are lots of things I like! What about you?
and mine is feb 9th! when’s yours?
not much, all i’ve been doing really is an online college course
it’s very boring 😂
oh that’s good! and your bday is coming up! that’s awesome!
what have you been up to? anything fun?
hmmmmm...maybe a contest?
a birthday themed collage contest?
I’m doing pretty good!!
I’ve been watching YouTube, writing in my journal, and I’m trying to redecorate my room😂
I need some ideas though haha wbu?
ooh nice! I exercised today and I’m really happy that i remembered to😂
ahh idek😂
probably lasagna or umm cheeseburgers?
ooh salad that’s a good healthy food! I’m afraid I’m not as healthy as I’d like to be
that’s so good to hear! what are getting you up to today?
what are you getting*
I’m goodddd I’m in the weekend🤪
i’ve always wanted to do calligraphy! i just don’t have the proper markers to do it so i struggle everything i try 😂
every time **
Ahhh Thank you!!!! I really like it :)))
What was this comment about ^^^
the one above mine :(
Hmm that’s weird 😶😳
Good hru?
Thank you btw:)
omg tysm lol
if u have any pls remix them lolol
do you like to travel?
i do but i haven’t gone far. i really want to go to a different continent and travel west to see the pacific ocean. basically anywhere that’s not the east coast and eastern canada 😂
what’s the number one place you want to go to?
You’re welcome?
greece looks so pretty!!
iceland’s probably my top. i really want to go there to see and walk in the midatlantic ridge