Collage by -thebearwiththepetals-


15 11
omg u made the username when u were ten?! i find it so aesthetic skhdjsks😅😂💖
you’ve been here for six years woahhh i’ve been for almost five🤡
this layout is so cute btw
omg imma listen to those songs now👏🏽🔥
Carly is such a pretty name
omg I’ve been here for 7 years and I’ve never changed my username either 😂😂
omg i love your nammeeee! nice to meet u carly:) i'm savannah btw haha
wow so cool to get to know you a bit better and omg this layout is everything🦋🤩so aestheticcc
omg you're sixteen and five foot seven
um haha wowwwwww lol i'm fifteen and five foot one🙊🤪
cool cool coool
omg your username 😂 dudee you’ve been on here for a while
ahh carly is such a pretty name could we like swap names? 🥴
by* im 5’6😤
omg I have that hello kitty sticker in my room💝💗