I'm so sorry team Eva!!


I'm so sorry team Eva!!

59 1
Yay, Team Miranda's second! (That's good right?)
Also, can you add Leafyishere in your next contest please?:)
ya seconds awesome!!
team Miranda was sooooo close
at least we didnt have to leave
YAY MY TEAM IS IN FIRST PLACE!!😄 But good job to the other teams too☺️
one question how did you get that Disney font?
Yay, thank you! Congrats to everyone else too❤️❤️
it's okay
lol I think that's fair cuz like only 2 of our team entered
In your next contest add LeafyIsHere plzzzzzzz (I know I said Zoella but leafy will be a rlly fun person to do!)
congrats to team Alisha! 👍🏻💖
tysm for following me😘😘 please enter my contest!