?¿Tap for a question¿?
Kinda new complicated style! This is me btw. And here's the q: how long does your school day last? How long would you like it to last? K Boi.😏


?¿Tap for a question¿? Kinda new complicated style! This is me btw. And here's the q: how long does your school day last? How long would you like it to last? K Boi.😏

59 2
love dis
and my school is like 7 hrs
y to the s to the yaas yaas yaas 😭😭I'm so done 😂😂you wanna give me a selection of quotes or shall I give you?😂
4 following and 4 the likes! btw i love the icon too! 😂😂💖💖
oh cool
A M A Z I N G!!
will doooo! the way you so recklessly drew the circle and smiley like its no one business 😂😂
I'm your 800th follower
QUESTION! (sorry I'm asking so many questions, I just want this collab to slay so hard like fan pages are made in its name 😂😂😂- I'm really pushing my slay analogies😂, Anyways out of all of your edits and all of my edits could you choose like a style you want the edit to follow... so I can have a generic overview of the background style 😊I sound so professional aha
About 7 hours.. And on certain days Id like another hour and on other I just want school to end
it depends on my mood