my dad finally got his new car today!! (and it has backseat seat heaters 😱)

tysm to everyone who’s been here for me, it means so much 🥰

QOTD: Do you like new car smell?
AOTD: Depends. Normally no, but sometimes it’s nice 👍


my dad finally got his new car today!! (and it has backseat seat heaters 😱) tysm to everyone who’s been here for me, it means so much 🥰 QOTD: Do you like new car smell? AOTD: Depends. Normally no, but sometimes it’s nice 👍

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Happy for you and your family!
awwww that’s so good!!
i'm so happy for you and your family!
i’m so happy for y’all!💙
😂 Thanks! And I’m so happy for you!
I’m so happy for you!!
aww this is so sweet
aotd: no not really
thats great!!!! I feel so happy that you’re happy and most things are fine !! also @bio tysmm 🤧💕
idk about everyone but there’s more than I expected 😂💕