Seth has now blocked me... We had a 20 day streak. The night before he sent me "are you sure babe😍😘" then sent "oops wrong person". He's a jerk. I'm done talking about him.


Seth has now blocked me... We had a 20 day streak. The night before he sent me "are you sure babe😍😘" then sent "oops wrong person". He's a jerk. I'm done talking about him.

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@caption u dont need a man in ur life. good job for never speaking to him again πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
@caption you don't deserve him. you're too good for him. let go of him, you'll be much happier.
thank you so much guys omgβ€οΈπŸ’œ