Remix with any questions feel free to ask anything!!


Remix with any questions feel free to ask anything!!

18 0
Hi! How old r u? Cos I haven't had mine yet!
Neither have I ^ (I am 12)
sorry don’t want to sound rude but I want to keep this account as anonymous as possible if that makes sense
Oh ok so should I delete the shoutout?
Or should I delete the post about girly stuff and remove your name? I just wanted to give credit
Oh ok cool I'm 11
But I absolutely looooove this account I feel like a lot of girls are gonna get a lot of help from this!
Ohhh ok I get it
Ye true good question
I didn't want to give away my age either but don't worry u can trust me I'm only asking how old u r because I'm wondering " if this is a girl giving advice about periods, how old is she?" that's all!
How old were you and ur friends / classmates when u got ur period? Cos I haven't got mine yet and I'm 11, so I don't know what to expect!
you don’t really feel anything all that you feel is cramps and one not all girls have them and two they are only usually for a day. things to help with cramps are heating pad, medication (ask a adult what to take) and water is important just remember every girl is different and if you have really bad cramps you might want to talk to a older woman (older sister, mom, Aunt, Grandma) in your life because they went through the same thing.
and if you can’t take the cramps anymore you can ask a doctor about birth control and I know this might sound scary but I know a lot of girls who take birth control for their periods. birth. control can make your period shorter and it can control your cramps
do you cramp really bad? I do and I usually cry all week when I’m on it
How do I tell my parents. I know this kind of sounds a bit weird but I'm not that open with my parents and I get quite embarrassed telling them thinks like that.
how you can tell your parents: go to a older woman you trust ( in my opinion I think it is easier to tell a woman because she went through the same thing) take a deep breath and say I think I just got my period it may be hard but she/he won’t judge you cause it is a part of the human body
and ya I do get pretty bad cramps for the first two days
This is soooo helpful!
Honestly ye just say " mum ( or whoever your talking to) I think I got my first period can you please help? The build up to it can be horrible but honestly Itll feel great once you've got it out and you won't have to keep it a secret and people can help you
Ok thanks guys ❤️ you are all really helpful 😂❤️
Ok how long does it usually last cos our teachers said a couple of days but I don't get it cos how could it be happening all day for a couple of days???
people usually have their periods for a week it can be more or it can be less
I know but I don't get how it could be *all* day cos ugh it just doesn't make sense
so when you have your period how it works is basically you shed a layer on your uterus and that is how the blood comes and it is not a lot it is a little every hour or minute hope that helps
ohhh ok