Playing Christmas songs in band and it was 77 degrees today! That's a record! It's November and it's nearly 80 degrees! I love it! That's a very rare occurrence in Michigan! 🌿✨


Playing Christmas songs in band and it was 77 degrees today! That's a record! It's November and it's nearly 80 degrees! I love it! That's a very rare occurrence in Michigan! 🌿✨

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Why has no one commented!!! This is stunning, I love the way you set up the words and I also adore the plant png! It was also rather warm where I was! Speaking of places, EVERYONE ON PC LIVES IN MICHIGAN πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm also doing Christmas music, what songs are you playing?
^Yes, I'm alone in IllinoisπŸ˜‚ WOWOWOWOWOWOWO!!!! This is stunning! It just rained all day, thunder and lightning too... ✨
wow, I love how you tell us the date in your linkπŸ˜‚
I love the colors you used and how they matched the picture, it blends very well😏 (sorry for spamming you with my weird comments)
Same πŸ˜‚ We all have either grade 5-6 music, but it's hard. Being the flute, we have the MELODY THE WHOLE TIME! It's a bit bad I don't know all the accidentals πŸ˜‚πŸ€” We're playing Rudolph, Santa Clause is coming to Town, Sleigh Ride and Hanukkah is here. Finally! Someone I know who's in two musical instrument thingies! Not only am I in symphonic band, but orchestra too! (And chorus. And the school play. And swim team. I'm way too busy πŸ˜‚)
I love Chicago! I bet you'll have a great time! If it's not too personal, where are you going in Chicago? I was just wondering since I go there A LOT.πŸ˜‚ Personally, I too just put bored button on there because it saves livesπŸ˜‚ The date thing is cool though, and you can put a lot of cool symbols there to make it look pretty too 😏Like this: β€’, β€”, *,{,},[,],>,<
I also put bored button because I have nothing better to put thereπŸ˜‚
Yep, that's the one! ☺️ Why?
I've been on concert band for two years and symphonic band for one year, so I'm not sure what they've done in the past πŸ˜‚ I've never heard Mad Russian Christmas. I may search it up and listen to it later πŸ˜‚πŸ’ͺ Good luck on it, though! I've got crazy fast slurred eighth notes and they kill me EVERY TIME! πŸ˜… I'm not a very good flutist, but I try! πŸ˜‚
I don't know what to reply anymore πŸ˜‚ How long have you been playing clarinet. I was going to play clarinet but my best friend was taking flute and my older cousin played flute so I decided on flute instead 🎼 (and here I am, telling you about my life *faded away* πŸ˜‚)
OhπŸ˜‚ I don't if you've been there recently, but they upgraded the Ferris wheel so it's coolerπŸ˜‰ Well, I hope you enjoy your time there
I'm playing Christmas songs in band too! it's so weird tho because it's not like 2 months until christmasπŸ˜‚πŸ˜
Yeah, they even have a covering, like a gondola! Haha, same. When my family and I were watching it we seriously were like, "I've been there!" the entire timeπŸ˜‚ It was hilarious πŸ˜‚ I remember we were taking a trip to Chicago, and it was the middle of winter but it was that really bad one. Everyone called it Chiberia because it was -26Β° 😳oh yeah, and if you go there at night all the buildings saw some phrase or have some color, it's pretty cool if I must says so myself.
It's a hard decision... I'm better at flute than violin so I think I like symphonic band better but I love orchestra as well. My brother was supposed to take violin but he refused πŸ˜‚ My cousin was going to give me their flute but they couldn't find it so I had to buy one (I'm sure the new one would've worked better anyway πŸ˜…βœ¨) Do you like marching band or symphonic better?
what do you play in band?
you should get pic party!
WOW. I love the quote! Is it from a song?
I love this!!!
You think? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Idk I don't know if I'll post again for a long time... I mean, I'll think about it
I love everything about this collage!
Beautiful edit!!
Ur from Michigan 😱 I'm from ChicagoπŸ€—
I live in Michigan too!
here it is! πŸ˜‚