also i kind of want to start writing again? i haven’t written anything- minus a few random quotes and phrases- since like january + i haven’t posted writing for even longer than that


also i kind of want to start writing again? i haven’t written anything- minus a few random quotes and phrases- since like january + i haven’t posted writing for even longer than that

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dâmn that drawing looks great so far
and yes, chocolate muffins do make everything better :)
you think your hair is poofy? 🤧
mine is like twice your poofiness :’(
omg i can’t even draw a front face person so that side profile looks like godly to me 😤
you must start writing again 🥺
to your bùtt? that’s long 😳😳
ha, that's me with brownies. my mom accidentally bought four boxes of brownie mix and i'm the only one who's eaten any of them. there's now only one box left.
and you're welcome :)
your hair looks so good
dude my hair acts the exact same way except it’s shorter so if I brush it out then I look like a lion ngl😐👌
you’re drawings are improving SO much
e a t
oh my hair is half curly and half plain wavy even before I brush it so there’s no winning that battle😂