The oldest year at my school were the only people allowed to dress up today as well as the teachers. I attached my Naruto headband to my Santa hat, making sure it covered my left eye then covered half my face with my snood. Look in comments ;)


๐Ÿ’žTap๐Ÿ’ž The oldest year at my school were the only people allowed to dress up today as well as the teachers. I attached my Naruto headband to my Santa hat, making sure it covered my left eye then covered half my face with my snood. Look in comments ;)

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So,, ye. I did a quick Christmas Kakashi cosplay because I donโ€™t follow school rules. My irl friend also drew Naruto whiskers on my face :3 And my school finished early so,, yeet. I also got my secret Santa present which is volume one of RWBY but my mum already got it for me for Christmas so now I have two.
REMINDER/NOTE/IMPORTANT: Jacksepticeye is doing a livestream for Save the Children at 4pm (London time) THIS afternoon! Please donate and/or spread the word, as I am unfortunately unable to donate ;( Itโ€™s going to be super fun with CrankGameplays and KickThePJ with other yourtubers as well so please watch and donate!! ~Thanks for reading!!~
BTW, for my cosplay I just wore that along with school uniform, so I wonโ€™t get told off.
oml ๐Ÿ˜‚