I'm getting kinda bored..


I'm getting kinda bored..

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STARER AND SLIDE ( my OCs, if you don't know how they look scroll down in my account till you find da drawings)
you have so many posts XD
I'll remix it X3
they take Mehz suuuuu loooonnngg
wow ......that's amazing!!!
it's Au I'm working on
o by da way there brother
da Au is called Crystaltale
I also got frisk and flowey
pineapples smell like the bicep of a unicorn *drops mic* (there soul, i did it okay?)
sure! what kind?
any kind for rn..
how bout action or powers?
yeah sure..
ok. you want to start?
G:*appears out of nowhere* uhh where am i.....? I'M TRYING TO GET TO AGARE'S CASTLE I NEED HELP!!!!!
G: *looks around* hello.....?
*theres nothing but silence*
G:...............*is starting to get scared* h-hello?!
*a glow of a light becomes bright and it shine and slowly flies to G clumsy*
G: WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU!!!!!!?
*the Light come close and its a fairy* Im a f-fairy...what are you?*looks confused*
G: i-i'm G......i-i'm lost....
Fairy: lost where did you come from? just follow me i know a friend*slowly flies away but clumsy still*
G: *follows it*.......
Fairy: btw my name is...Maria....we are almost there..*still flies*
G: *follows her*.....
Maria: you dont talk do you? *turns to him*
G: *is staring at the ground, didn't seem to hear her*......
Maria: helloooo are you ok? *stops at a house*
G: *glitches and looks up* oh um y-yes....
Maria: ok..wait here...*flies in a little door G hears talking then the door opens and its dark*
G: *stare at him* thinking: holy s*** he's hot.....*blushes slightly*
Maria: he said he's lost..*looks at dark* he wont tell me where he came from
Dark: do you want to come in*opens the door alittle*
G: s-sure *walks in*
Dark: where are you going to i'll help you....where did you come from?*shuts the door then turns and looks at G*
G: i came from the surface and i'm trying to get back to agare
's castle
Dark: I know my way through this place..i might s well help you get through *yawn* but it's just im tired...so let's start in the morning..
Maria: im coming too... *puffs her cheeks* i can help..*then flies to her tiny flower which is her bed and cuddles inside it*
G: i'll just- *walks out side and sits down*
Dark:.....*sits on the couch and yawns again slowly his eyes are closing*
shadow: *just came back from his friends he waves bye to his friends* see ya later *his friends wave back*
G: *looks at shadow*.........
Shadow: *looks at G and tilts his head to the left* hi.....how are you?
G: i'm uh...fine? *seems unsure of his answer*
G: m-my names G......what's yours?
Shadow: im shadow...what are you doing here?
G: my portal closed and i just appeared here.....
Shadow:oh you want to come in *guides an arm to the door*
G: no thanks....
shadow: ok...*walks up the steps of the porch and opens the door and walks in*
G: *glitches*
Dark: hey buddy how was it?
Shadow: it was amazing! we hanged out play games and chatted! *yawns*
Dark: looks like your tired time for bed..and its mine too..
shadow: aww ok *runs up stairs*
G: *glitches more*......*stands up and opens a portal*
Dark: *looks out the window*.....
shadow: *goes down stairs and sees dark looking out the window* what are you doing?
dark: oh nothing *backs away from the window* .....
((what is taking you so long!!))
(( shut up it won't work ))
(( shut up it won't work ))
G: *trys to walk in but gets blown back*
Dark: *puts his brother in bed to sleep thinking: i wonder what he's doing outside?*...*goes down stairs and to the door*
G: *gets up and rubs his head* s***....
Dark: *opens the door steps out*......
G: *looks at him*
Dark: you ok? you should not be out here by yourself i didnt tell you yet but there is something dark and scary deep into the forest that loves to kill..i dont know what it is but it might be just a legend...*looks at G walking towards him*it might be watching our motion*
G: *loos around and wolf ears and a tail appear on him* *sniffs the air for any scents*
((dont worry about that))
Dark:........*looks at him*
G: i don't smell anything.......
Dark: ...well the thing's sent is not visable....what are you are you a neko?
((anybody home?))
G: *growls slightly* the opposite in fact
Dark: .....*looks at the ground* well im going inside if you want to come back in i'll be in bed*going back to the door*
G: *grins and stares at his a** as he walks away* thinking: he's got a sweet a**.
Dark:...*opens the door and walks in tiredly goes upstairs and plops on the bed*
*a rumbling sound starts outside*
G: *turns around and looks for the sound*......
*the rumble was trying to hide then there was a dumbfounded whispering voice* shhh he will hear us
G: *ear flicks and he walks toward the voice* i can hear you.
unviasable voice: but you cant see us i^diot!
other unvisable voice: i dont think he cant see us or can he..is he talking to us
G: *grabs them both* i might not be able to see you but i can touch you.
the smart one: *frightened* strong...but how!
G: *stares at them both* what are you things?
Dumb one: we have to tell boss this...but angry..*rumbling came from stomach* *they both appear* *the dumb on is strong and tough but does not know how to use his head they are some tpye of ghost but not close to that the dumb one has red eyes and he cloudy color was gree and tthe other one has white eyes and his cloudy color was purple*
(( i meant he's hungry))
G: boss....? what?
The smart one: its none of your bussiness..
G: fine. i won't let you go until you tell me.
The smart one: *disappears out of G's grip and reappears back* you were saying?
Dumb one: *manage to get out of the grip* lets get out of here! *he disappears*
Smart one: dont think we wont see each other again...*he disappears*
G: wait! i have food.....
*gone there just gone*
Dark: *starts j*rking upstairs*
G: *hears him and walks into the house then goes upstairs* 8opens the door and stares at him*.......
Dark: ah~ *comes all over the bed sheets,doesnt notice G standing there*
G: *blushes madly and clears his throat*
Dark: *looks at G and is startled blushing a little*
G: *blushes more and looks away*.....*a b*lge starts to grw in his pants*
Dark: *covers himself blushes bright and look away from G*
G: *bites his "lip" and looks back at dark* *walks toward the bed*
Dark: *looks at G blushing still* w-what are you doing...
G: *pushes him back softly and climbs on top of him* what were you thinking about~? *eyes turn into hearts*
Dark: y-you.....*says softly and turns away*
G: *grins and licks his neck with a long tongue*
Dark: a-ah~*mo*ns quietly*
G: hehe~ *bites it softly*
Dark: *wants more he mo*ns a little loud* p-please i want m-more~
G: *starts taking off his clothes* you want more~?
Dark: *nods slowly panting a bit*
G: *flips him over and thrusts his c*ck inside of his a** *
Dark: ahh! *grips the sheets and moans loudly thinking: so huge!*
G: *pants heavily* y-your so tight~ *starts thrusting*
Dark: ngah~ i-it hurts!*keeps moaning*
G: *whispers in his ear* shh~ arch your spine and it'll stop hurting~ *thrust harder and faster*
Dark: *didnt have to arch his back in few minutes it stop hurting and ple
(( forget aobut that))
Dark: *didnt have to arch his back the pain stop in a few minutes and pl*asure intensifies* hah~
G: *thrusts harder and faster* ahh~
Dark: naah~ *moans louder thinking: too fast!*
G: *smoehow goes faster and harder* i-i'm gonna c-c*m~!!
Dark: p-please not inside me *continues to moan*
G: *thrusts harder and faster and c*ms inside of him* o-opps~ *pants heavily*
Dark: *moans to the feeling*
G: *pulls out and lays next to him* *pants heavily*
Dark: *panting and shaking a a bit*
G: *pulls him close and kisses him*
Dark: *kisses him back*
G: *pulls him abit closer* mmm~
Dark: * does not resist and blushes*
G: *slowly lowers his hand down to dark's c*** *
(( cant dark thing is not hard...so it cant happen))
(( G: d*****!! ))
(( G: Y U DO DIS?!?!?! ))
(( *shrugs* its true life..))
(( G: T_T ))
(( stop looking at me like that))
GG: *gets really close to your face* T_T ))
(( *backs away*))
(( G: T_T ))
(( G: T_T ))
(( can we just continue this))
(( yup ))
(( you go first))
G: *touches his spine softly*
Dark: *moans quietly*
G: *pulls him closer and starts running his hand up and down dark's spine*
Dark: ah~ * continues to moan*
G: *starts falling asleep then cuddles him*
Dark: *purrs quietly stops moaning closes his eyes*
G: *pulls him closer and falls asleep*
(( and the shadow walks in and sees them both naked ))
(( then not the ))
(( XD wait till the morning))
(( you go! ))
((ok gosh!))
*the birds churp the warm wind blows and there is a quite knock on the bedroom door*
Dark: *wakes up and yawns*
G: *pulls him closer*
Dark: *blushes* ......
*the door slowly opens and it's maria she slowly pushes the door open* Dark your brother is- *her eyes widen*
G: *opens one eyes and looks at dark* morning s*xy~
Dark: *still blushes* m-morning
maria: *yells* what's going on?! *flies in the room*
G: *looks at her* *trys to cover himself and dark* *theres a BIG lump under the blanket*
Maria: *crossed her arms* had fun? you promised not to do anything like that dark..you have a responsibility..and thats important
(( i accidentally pressed enter))
* she flies out of the room quickly*
Dark: maria....wait... i-i can explain *sits up*
G:...........s-sorry.........*crosses his legs* i-i....
Dark: *sighs* i-its ok *throws the covers off himself and gets dress in a grey t-shirt and jeans*
G:.........i'm really sorry......once my magic fixs its self i-i'll leave....
Dark: no you dont have to leave...i'll solve this about maria...and that
G:.......*puts his clothes back on*.......
(( should we put nove's darkself into this and also cyrus? OWO ))
(( yeah i was planning to bring in nove's darkself thats why the the two ghoulotties ya know the dumb one and the smart one they are working for nove and there is tswo more of them))
(( oh~ the shipping is real! :3)
( I luv to read these XD)
( why, idk! I should really kill my self XD)