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*important info*- honestly i feel sick to my stomach posting this rn. i love my country and this is one of my favorite holidays, but in light of recent events, i’m not very proud to be american. the overturning of Roe v Wade takes away SO many rights of American women and girls.
it doesn’t just affect ab*rtion, it affects b*rth control, womens safety, same s*x relationships, and many more. please know that i am not proud to be an american right now, but still wishing everyone a happy 4th
(i cannot believe i had to mark out those words just to post this) it’s embarrassing how far people are willing to go to take away womens rights! we’ve really gone back in time here.
hey! i just made my first collage in a while! i'd love it if you'd check it out!
^^^ as much as i hte what has just happened in our country, i always enjoy a good firework show! i'm just hoping that my state will allow women to keep their human rights🙄