even if it takes years...  (my quote plz give credit) 

This is a test: pconly piccollage quote collage stickers feature inspiration contest :)


even if it takes years... (my quote plz give credit) This is a test: pconly piccollage quote collage stickers feature inspiration contest :)

1420 80
that's awesome my first name is Laila
omg you are so creative and this is so inspiring p.s. my username is Susan Steffy well that's my moms account I'm her daughter and I love using her iPad
pls follow me same person from last comment
Btw with the situation....well you did not really help me out. You just took the blame out on me. Also you beloved every thing that berry_glitter_icons said! Son you made me feel bad about myself. thanks a lot
I wish that is what life is actually like
luv the quote can u plz follow me
I have been on a train before I like it
Love the quote!!!
I like the city
such a nice quote
❤️❤️❤️amazing quote!
How do you make your words like that!?!?! In the order you put it!!
wow that is so creative.....I love it!!!!👍🏻👍🏻
wow that quote is great. my quote is love as many people who will love you
Go girl🦄 So true
that's beautiful
make a wish when the count down is over 10,8,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 make a wish now send this to ten other people besides me
I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad! And I wasn't taking either of your sides! Just trying to hear both stories!
I pretty much don't really have a specific way I align the text. ☺
Ugh! All these compliments! I'm blushing here...🙈
Maybe I should name my daughter Leila since there aren't very many! Lol
absolutely SPECTACULAR!! love it