It's true


It's true

9 0
we will have to see and we will see who leaves
ohhhh yeah then we will see about that then
no because we both know who's going to lose which is u
why do you want me to block you for
no because you hurt my füčkïñg sister razzy star so no I will not
you man whörë
what the füčk did she say
no I'm 15 and turning 16 in April äššhöłë and your a füčkböÿ that just wants to get down girls panties
actually you are fake cause I just heard you say that your a fake person and I'm making a collage for you I think you will hate it
I am a real lover but I know you a fake lover
good cause then you will hate me even more
ohhhh yeah right liar
it is up your äšš
look at my füčkïñg new collage äššhöłë
no I need you to make a collage and say only me and jasmine chat page any one else's will be deleted
I'll make a collage ok
and I'm sad everyone hates me and I getting bullied
yeah I know
and what really sucks is that no one has a crush on me
I know tho but still I hate my life
yes I do but that doesn't matter to me right now ok
and ok Marcus
hey shwaty i know you’re not going on pic collage right now but if there is anything I could do for you let me know