5/10!?!?!?!? ๐Ÿ˜“


5/10!?!?!?!? ๐Ÿ˜“

7 0
I feel like if you mad pics with pngs then your account would be so cool
I donโ€™t think your collages are boring I like the simplicity of the quote and picture but maybe if you wanted to add a little extra you could add pngs
omg same I got a 2/10 !!!!!!!!!๐Ÿ˜ 
I feel bad for that rating, I have gotten worse(๐Ÿ˜ข) And your not boring. Itโ€™s just their opinion. And if you dot. care about them why should you care what they saw?
Iโ€™m sorry this happened! :(
I got a bad rating too... but your collages are amazing!!
I think your acc is amazing!!๐Ÿ˜บ
I think your awesome! I've got bad ratings as well!
thatโ€™s not true. your really good and your posts are not boring