🏹Thawing Out🏹


🏹Thawing Out🏹

6 1
Reyna's fingertips start to move. She felt cold.
Tomas gasped as he woke up. The ice was still on his legs, but he kicked it off. He leaned over and threw up. He looked around, wiping his face with the back of his hand. Emilia! She was lying down, the shallow rise and fall of her chest the only sign she was alive. He choked as she coughed. "Tomas?" she whispered, voice hoarse.
Brooklyn stood in the ice.
Emilia was shaky, but she called out, "hello? Who's here?"
Maddie was still stuck. She could see everything that was happening
Cleo legs were stuck in the ice, but she could move her torso and up.
Her eyes flared open as she felt as the walls were closing in on her. Her breathing increased, but she was able to find a weak spot and kicked through it. The ice was already starting to melt, so she was able to easily get out. “Ugh,” she groaned with a migraine.
Reyna opens her eyes.
Tomas groaned loudly. He felt like something was trying to claw its way out of his throat. Emilia suddenly had a cramp hit her stomach and she convulsed, biting down on her tongue so hard she tasted blood.
(oh hi)
Brooklyn’s immediate thought was to find food, water, and weapons. She didn’t know where she was, but yeah
Jackson falls out of his iceberg thing, it on the ceiling. He falls on the ground. "Oof." he groans
Cleo seems terrified as she attempts to move her legs, but they have fallen numb.
Emilia heard other people and froze. "Hello?"
Parker’s eyes shot open. he could breathe. finally, but..ice. he was encompassed in freezing cold ice. “no..nonononnono” he started mumbling feverishly. he started thrashing in his prison, attempting to shove the ice off. his heartbeat quickened. small spaces, ice, and Parker did not go together well.
“Anyone here?” she whispered softly, with a powerful tone. She realized water could be caught because of the ice.
Tomas halted too, and looked away from his puke on the floor and held his nose.
"I'm here," Emilia called softly. Tomas grunted. "And me."
"Who are you?" Jackson asked he could see anyone's face in the dark.
Cleo began trebling and bawling her eyes out. She felt her tears freezing over as she blinked them down her face.
Brooklyn found an old metal container and decided to put it near the ice in hopes to catch some water. “Where are we?” she said louder, but still with the San tone
Maddie kicked her ice prison, she hoped someone would notice. She felt like she was drowning.
Parker managed to get most of the ice off, but he was still dripping wet in ice water. he backed up against a wall and hugged his knees to his chest in an attempt to warm up. “w-who’s here..?” he asked softly. his words were clipped as his teeth chattered.
"I don't know." Reyna admitted.
"I am," Emilia offered. "Same," Tomas moaned, and threw up again.
Brooklyn was freezing, “I’m here...” she said with her usual tone.
Emilia rolled out of her ice thing. She was too weak to stand and there was no way she could stay in there.
Parker scrunched his nose. “what is that smell..? it smells like..I won’t even describe it” he exclaimed. “why is there nO vEnTiLaTiOn”
Jackson look around. He had to find a- what was it? Something that made fire. A match! That's it.
Cleo stopped her crying at the sound of a voice. Her coarse voice spoke, “I-I a-am he-here.”
"My fault," Tomas groaned. "I haven't eaten anything so I don't know why I'm puking." As though on command, he started retching and gagging.
“what are all of your names?” Parker asks into the darkness. “I’m Parker”
(Also everyone was frozen for 3,000 years. So you're not going to remember everything simple thing.)
“Alright Guys, I don’t know where we are,
"Emilia," Emilia said from her spot in the floor. She crawled over to what she figured was a wall, and made her way up. "Tomas," Tomas said, wiping his mouth.
"I'm Jackson." Jackson reaches around for something to light on fire.
Maddie tried screaming. Nothing worked. "HALP!!!" she screamed
Parker shivered. “I hope we have some way to get out of..wherever we are” He said to himself, feeling along the walls for a hatch.
Cleo shouted into the darkness, “Cleo is the name, I think.”
(Check remixes)
Emilia shakily hobbled along, running her hands along the walls for some sort of escape. She eventually came across something that wasn't stone. Tomas got up and crawled over to her and then got to his feet.
"Hey, this feels different," Emilia called. "Not stone, not part of the wall."
“I’m Brooklyn by the way,” she added as the migraine only got worst.
"That's a good idea." Reyna told Brooklyn
Parker fast walked over to Maddie and helped her break her ice prison “there you go, your free” he says quietly
"Any source of light?" Tomas demanded. "Anyone?"
Maddie fell to the ground and gasped for air. "Thank... you...."
Cleo wriggled her legs once more, but it was no use. She felt her vision begin to blur and more of her body became numb.
Jackson found a stick. "I found a stick!"
Parker smiles faintly. “it was the least I could do, we’ll need everyone to help” he says. he looks at Tomas and shakes his head. “no, I don’t have any matches or a lighter” he says sadly.
Brooklyn started placing the buckets near the ice, “Alright,” she said, deciding what was needed next.
Cleo yelled to Jackson, “What’s a stick?”
"That works!" Tomas called. "Who knows how to make fire, cause I sure don't!"
"I have a stick" Jackson repeated
Brooklyn then said, “I have a faint memory...” she said. Why couldn’t she remember this?!
"I do." Reyna said. "Throw me the stick"
Parker bit his lip. “uhm..I used to, but I can’t seem to remember anymore” he says
Maddie gasped for more air.
Cleo calmly stated, despite freezing to death, “Seriously, what’s a stick.”
Parker goes silent. he could remember his name and family, basic necessities...not much else.
Brooklyn grunted as her migraine only got worst, “Only if this stupid headache would go away!” she groaned.
"Okay, once we get fire, we're going to check out this thing that Emilia found and if it's not good, we'll keep looking," Tomas called. Emilia nodded. "Sure."
Jackson throws the stick to the voice. It hits Reyna in that face.
“it’s some sort of..pole I think..?” Parker says, hoping that was right
Cleo shouted once more to the voices, “Guys, how do I breathe?” She has been holding her breath for the last minute.
Parker’s eyes widened. “you don’t..remember..?!” he asks
"I think it's a natural ... um, misshapen cylinder?" Emilia suggested. "They're brown."
Cleo, running out of breath, “Please, help.”
(idk what to do so I’m just gonna pop out of an ice cube)
"YOU CANT TALK IF YOU'RE NOT BREATHING!" Tomas cried, getting panicky.
Brooklyn looked around. She tripped over an object and did a side shoulder roll, “I didn’t know I could do that!” Brooklyn said randomly as she picked up the machine gun. “I think I found a bun? No...that’s not what it’s called...is it called a Macaroni Grape? No...” she said, she hated that she couldn’t remember things.
Parker scrambles over to Cleo and forces her to lay on her back. he pressed on her chest a few times, hoping that would help. “it’s like that” he answers frantically
Alissa pops out of the ice. “Hello?” She calls out confused.
“Oh okay,” Cleo begins to breathe, still stuck half way in ice.
Emilia followed Brooke and picked up a sniper. "Gun," she mused. "They're guns."
Parker smiles in relief. “uh, let me help you” he half drags her out of the ice and sets her down against a wall. “now then...has anyone found a way out yet..”
Memories flooded back to Brooklyn, “Yeah, I know...” she said. She made a confused face as she strapped the machine gun to her back.
Tomas glanced over. "I swear they're gums." Emilia shook her head. "Gums are different. These are guns."
A fire starts on the stick. Reyna holds it up.
Cleo turns, “No, I think we’d remember if they were called guns. Pretty sure it’s a macaroni grape.”
Maddie stands up then falls back down
“Um, where are we.” Alissa asks completely clueless that they’re trapped.
Cleo talks to Parker, “Thanks mate.”
Emilia picks up the sniper and runs her hand down the barrel. "I remember ... " she paused. "I don't want to remember."
Parker shrugs. “I’m pretty sure that they ARE macaroni grapes..” he says doubtfully
Parker nods. “my pleasure” he responds
“I love macaroni grapes!” Alissa says pushing her way into the conversation.
"No, if it were macaroni grapes we'd be SURE they were macaroni grapes, the name is too memorable," Tomas decides.
Reyna holds up the stick. "A door." She walks over to it
Brooklyn’s migraine only increased. “We need armadillos!” she paused, “I meant ammo!” she groaned
Parker laughs emotionlessly. “I’ve had enough of macaroni grapes myself” he says grimly as his most recent memories came ack to him.
“I want an armadillo.” Alissa says. (she’s really dumb btw)
(okie dokie😂)
(make an amazing entrance by smashing the ice)
Tomas says, "ammo, there!" He points to the ammo pile. Emilia fills up her gun and reloads it, as though she's done it a million times before. She winces.
(don't it makes it better)
Brooklyn searched around a little bit more, “Alright...armadillos, armadillos, armadillos...I MEANT AMMO!” she groaned.
“No, no, no. I don’t think ammos a word.” Alissa says.
Maddie looks at Parker. She has a flashback. "Hey, can I call you Peter Parker?"
(Jalisas one of my weaknesses)
Maddie looks at Parker, she has a flashback. "Hey can I call you Peter Parker?"
Tomas coughs. "Uh, guys? A DOOOOR?"
“Does anyone have ammo?” Brooklyn asked as she walked around, looking for armadillos- AMMO.
Cleo looks confused, “What’s a Peter Parker?”
“A door?” Alissa says surprised.
Reyna rolls her eyes.
Aiden is stuck in ice, from above his waist he is free, “SOMEONE HELP ME” he shouted, trying to kove his legs.
“I think I found the armadillos!” Alissa points to something in the corner.
Sam looked around for ammo, “I have extra!” she shouted towards Grooklym.
Parker frowns. “um..sure..?” he says, shrugging.
"YES!" Tomas waves his hands and gestures to the door they can now see because of the fire.
Brooklyn used the edge of her macaroni grape to smash Aiden out of the ice, “There ya go,” she said as she continued searching for armadillos
Sam moved around slowly, moving stuff around. She found a few more guns and she stashed them in her pockets.
(I just snorted really loud and my mom thinks I’m crazy)
(Grooklym 😂)
“THANKS!” Brooklyn shouted, taking the ammo.
“Thanks” Aiden said breathless, his lips were blue, and he still felt cold. “anyone have a blanket?” he asked shivering.
“I found the Armadillos!” Alissa grabs them from the corner and holds them up.
Tomas sighs. "AMMO PILE RIGHT THERE!" and then he waves at the door. "ARE WE GETTING OUT YET?"
Maddie finds some knifes.
Cleo just stares away from the group, wondering what this place was.
“I guess I’m fine with..peter Parker” Parker says, slightly confused on who peter Parker was
Brooklyn turned back to Aiden, “No problem and there’s barely any supplies...” she said, “Sorry,” she added as she loaded the ARMADILLOS into the MACARONI GRAPES
“No problem” Sam said, she stepped over piles of random stuff. “anyone need a extra gun?” she said as she held one up, she accidentally shot the roof.
(yes Brooklyn what a kween)
Jackson looks around.
Emilia stands up. "Who's going through the door first?" She's already filled a backpack with tons of things lying around.
“It’s alright” Aiden said as he grabbed a gun and started stiffly walking towards the door, shivering.
“I am!” Alissa runs out the door.
“I’ll go” Sam said, she started walking towards the door.
Parker flinches and sales his head. “I don’t want one anytime soon” he says sadly. he could remember the countless shots, the explosions..all of it too well.
Maddie looks at Parker. "Good"
Sam exited out of the door, she breathed heavily but payed to attention to it.
Tomas gulps and follows Alissa out, gripping the two knives Emilia just gave him.
Sam held her gun (A SCAR FROM FORTNIGHT WOOP WOOP 😂) and got ready to aim at anything the moved.
(I love this RP
Aiden exited behind Sam, he held the gun.
Parker slung a pack over his shoulder, having put an empty water canteen in it and a thin blanket. he followed after the others cautiously
Reyna looks around. She grabs a first med kit
Brooklyn picked up a backpack off the ground that was stained with blood. There was another bit of ammo in there and a collapsible trident like weapon. There was also some rope and a large bottle. She scooped up the water from the ice and put in the bottle.
(its pretty jam packed)
Sam adjusted her backpack, she saw a slight movement from some destroyed metal, she shot at it.
Tomas couldn't help but stare at the guns a bit. Explosions were still ringing loud and clear in his ears and he wanted it to go away - He shook his head and continued on.
"Uh.. hi." Jackson said to Jalisa
“good day Jalissa, we welcome you from your slumber” Parker replied
“HIII JALISA!” Alissa yells from the front of the group.
Sam glared at Jalisa, she turned back to the scene ahead of her, “should we go this way?” she suggested pointing towards the right.
Cleo looked at Jalisa and began crying again. “Hi,” she whimpered through tears.
“hi?” he said to jalisa, as he walked.
"Hi," Emilia says quickly, gripping her gun and shouldering her backpack.
Parker walked over to Cleo and hugged her shoulder. “it’s okay, we can get through this” he says reassuringly and walks back ahead, pulling a pocket knife from his backpack.
“Hey Jalisa.” Brooklyn said as she had her weapon at her side. She made her way to the front of the group.
Cleo saw Jalisa’s triggered face and stopped crying out of fear.
"Uh, Let gets out of here first..." Reyna said
(does this remind anyone else of maze runner..?)
Alissa opens the can of freeze dried chocolate ice cream she’s been carrying this whole time.
(omg your right 😂😂)
Cleo looks at Parker’s pocket knife, “Please don’t stab me.”
(that would seriously suck alissa😂)
(yup, and the fact we've got Tomas whose face claim is Dylan o Brien)
(ewww 3,000 year old ice cream😬😂)
Parker smiles grimly. “I hope I dont have to stab anyone ever-“ and he cut himself off, shaking his head. “never mind”
(sounds lovely.......)
(if this is maze runner, then I’m chuck.)
“sure” Sam said walking forward, she stepped over burnt pieces of metal. She shuddered at the thought of explosions.
After one bite Alissa throws the can into some bushes. “that stuffs disgusting!”
(A stole Brooklyn’s trident from Finnick Odair😂)
(Minho is Brooklyn)
"Yo, Peter Parker. Chill." Maddie said finding a whole bunch of empty backpacks. "Everyone take one."
Cleo just seems scared of Parker’s sudden scary behavior, and she freezes out of fear.
(guys we are still in a bunker)
(wait I thought we left through a door)
Aiden took a backpack, “thanks” he muttered as he walked forward clutching his gun and backpack.
(hold on I'm creating a new chatpage)
Parker puts the pocket knife in his POCKET WOW and clenches his jaw. “I wonder how much we’ve missed..” he says curiously
Brooklyn clutched her macaroni grape by her side as she hoisted her bloody backpack into her back. She wanted to test out that giant fork she found.
(giant fork 😂)
Cleo looks around, “I think it’s only been like a night. I mean, we seemed to be in a sleep like state.”
(Macaroni Grape- Machine Gun, Armadillo- Ammo, and Giant Fork- Trident)
Tomas was bored now, which was probably a weird thing to think seeing as he'd just thrown up twice, been defrosted and now macaroni grapes were a thing.
“I remember something!” Alissa shouts.
(got it)
“a lot probably” Sam said turning to Peter, she glanced around. “I wonder if other people are alive..”
Emilia looked over. "Go on?"
Parker looks at Alissa and frowns. “is it some thing important..?” he asks hopefully
Brooklyn remained at the front of the group and whenever she heard the slightest movement she would instantly turn around. Her migraine only got worst as she continued to walk.
“I had a little dog named Scooter!” She says
Aiden pressed the trigger on his gun, shooting a wall. “oops.”
Parker rolls his eyes at Alissa and looks at Sam. he nods, “yeah, I have a feeling a lot has changed since we’ve been out” he replies
Cleo screams at the shot, and, what a shocker, begins crying.
“I wonder where scooter is. he was really cute.” Alissa starts talking about her dog.
Emilia groans. "Unhelpful." Tomas keeps his eyes on the horizon, eyes darting side to side as he moves.
Brooklyn looked at everything, “How long exactly have we been down here...?” she whispered.
(Oh no Alissa...)
“how long have we been out exactly?” SaM asked to no one in particular, she brushed her black hair out of her face and turned to examine the whole bunker.
Tomas flinches at the gun shot, because it only adds to the ones in his head. Emilia, however, barely bars an eyelid.
(ahah Sam & Brooklyn asked the same question 😂)
Parker huffs. “can you guys all stop asking questions NOBODY KNOWS THE ANSWER TO?!” he says, raising his voice. he pales after and bites his lip hard. “I-I’m sorry, I’m just not in a good mood..I’m not sure anyone is..” he walks away from the group in hopes to prevent another outburst
"I'm guessing a while, because we were frozen quite solid, and we could barely move which is another sign we haven't moved in a while," Emilia suggests.