Ok, thanks for this, and;; I'm confused?? Why would it get censored??? It's just a shark girl I drew


Ok, thanks for this, and;; I'm confused?? Why would it get censored??? It's just a shark girl I drew

13 0
pc is buggin
pc sucks
she just;; doesn't have an arm and the only thing that covers her chest are bandages but tHAT'S NOT EVEN BAD
pc is like the strict adult who tries to be your mom but isn’t and ends up just being rude and bossy
you can delete the post and change something in the caption for it to uncensor or whatever
^^^ the caption wasn't even rude in any way possible
literally pc just censors the most random stuff, like I have an old picture that I drew(on a second account) that had a pënis in it and pc never put it on pending reviews
of course I deleted it now cause I don’t even have a second account anymore but still
what the hеll is PC doing