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i went to a room and no one was even at the house but I look behind me and there they are trying to scare me
a horse walks into a bar. "why the long face?"
hope you like it
a young man tries to fish, and has no success. an older man fished beside him, catching many fish. "how do you do that?" the younger man asks the older man. "ou hah ou eep or orms arm." the older man replied. "what?" the younger man says confused. the older man spit something into his hand then said, "you have to keep your worms warm."
do ya get it? ;D XD
never April fools a teacher-me: hey mrs //: mr387 likes you ,m: oh really *blushes* but he is engaged (blah blah) *inturput*j: hah April fool😈.... instead of running 2 laps around the park.... I ran 8
just saving my teacher identity
an apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enoughπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚
dad writes on son's Facebook wall : " dear son, how are you? all is fine here. we miss you a lot. please!! TURN OFF THE COMPUTER & COME DOWN FOR DINNER!!
one million copies of a new book sold in just 2 days due to a typo error of just one alphabet of in the title. Title of Book: An Idea Can Change Your WIFE πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
there was a plane crash and 2 people survive the English man badly hurt and can't walk and a Chinese man who was just fine the English man said to the Chinese man "go find some supplies" so the Chinese man walks off. he didn't come back the first day or the second day on the third day the English man felt better so he walked about 10 metres into the forest and the Chinese man jumped out and shouted "SUPPLIES"
I just made a milkshake... now all the boys are in my yard. *great
I put a collage up and I was thinking who is up at this time? I am because I can't sleep
sims logic: can walk through someone but no if there's a play no one can walk past
yo mamma so dumb she claimed over a glass wall to see the other side
Friend: "hey look at this dress" *looks at dress* me: "meh" *sees a poster with Jennifer Lawrence wearing it* me: omgggggg I need to buy this!!! πŸ˜‚
please enter my contest at Fluffy107
Friend: Did u just fall???!!! Me: No, I attacked the floor. Friend: Backwards? Me: I'm freaking talented!
Everyone: How I wished that I could have been there when, Me: My brother fell into a lava pit.
do you want fries with this comment?
okay that was too cheesy. I need to be more MATURE
I should stop humiliating myself I have a pet unicorn
if I was a ballon I would be happy
I don't even know why I just Would
I'm following you and your not following me back πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ˜ΎπŸ˜ΎπŸ‘Š
your mean I'm only 10
^i actually am following you.Check your followers
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Whale, whale, whale, what have we got here?
have u ever wondered why grand mom is called grand mom because doesn't grand mean great so great mom
grand means old
so old mom
how do. u post pics
who wants to go to a zoo it only has a dog and it's a siz tou
dear person in the library thank you for shouting oh no dobys closed the portal however will we get to hogwarts when I ran into a wall u just made awkward into awsome
is cool
Matthew (my bro) sees someone on TV do the dab. He says, "they're stealing the dip". I said, "it's called the dab". He said, "I like to call it the dip!😊" He's so cute! 😘
This is not for the contest but when I first heard IDK I thought it meant I do know instead of I don't know
I changed my password to incorrect, that way when I forget it always reminds me "your password is incorrect"
I hate when people ask "do you have a bathroom" it's like "no we pee in the yard!"
Hey you guys I got a joke about cheese...nah,it's to cheesy
(for contest) Oh hi I am a noob and I play minecraft lololololololol I have tnt here yay! *get flint and stil* what does this do? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
what is red and bad for your teeth?
a brick
rich people be like: DAD!!!! Get me a pink unicorn AND IF I DONT ILL RUN AWAY
So Apple comes out with a new car. Someone asked where's the Windows.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
boys be like " we rule because God made us first! God made u girls last!" then girls be like " well obviously God made a rough draft before the final copy" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I have no clue
"Mom what's it like having the best daughter in the world?" "I don't know dear you would have to ask grandma"πŸ˜‚
Why Did The Skeleton Need A Friend?
Because He Was Bonely
how do you make baby carrots?
you pick them early, before they become adult carrots!!!
teacher-why are you talking during my lesson student-why are you teaching during my conversation
my life. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
So what can't trumpet be in anything Christmas. Because there to loud.
I be like u ugly I'm cute and together were me not u so technically were not together
my science teacher was like ok organs have a specific type of things they do and they are in a special place and someone was like I guess you can say there organ-ized
yo mama so fat she needs cheat codes for wii fit!πŸ˜†
I don't have a joke
Abby and Max wanted 2 get married on the 31st of February why did the not get married
Why was the pirate mad?
he couldn't get through his c!
nock nock-whose there -marry-marry who?-Mary me!
Doctor Doctor my tv isn't working!-try plugging it in-oh no it's running!-watch it-help me catch it!-No thankyou
Q:way did the panda fall of the tree A:because it was dead
I ummmm found some old friends and then I saw a person that I had to run but time to go
that was my joke
then there's me I am so not funny
" Hello 911 my mom turned of the wifi"😜
Why did the seckleoton say I feel alive Because he found his body
What did batman say to robin before he got into the car GET IN THE CAR
my step dad thought he was cool so he grabbed my sisters scooter and there was a concrete step in the garden he started pushing the scooter and when he went on the step he flew really high and landed with a thump after that he said the his bottom hurted!!πŸ˜‚
My face looks nicer on your face
there were two people chatting on Instagram. this was there conversation: β€’one person said, hey would you like my recent posts. β€’ then the second person said, CURLY HAIR DON'T CARE!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. ps, this never happened!
Me:Have you Seen the Movie Constipated You: Yes Me:How? it hasn't come out yet! get it HAHAHHAHHA
Ok so a couple goes to the prom together they go to get there photos taken but there's a photo line. then they go to the food place and there's a food line. Then they they want some punch so they go to where the punch is and there is no PUNCHLINE!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
only potterheads will probably get this.
theres a hair on my carrot
when you text a friend and say have to do hm (homework) They text back what does hm mean hungry man??
what do you call a lady who likes to fish? Answer: Anet ( a netπŸ˜‚)
here's something scary Hilary Clinton and Donald trumps kid
I mean funny