Pls read🥺
Guys anyone who is a fan might remember them saying that the yr 2020 would be a comeback show. Fingers crossed


Pls read🥺 Guys anyone who is a fan might remember them saying that the yr 2020 would be a comeback show. Fingers crossed

10 1
Kk thx
hello potternerd💖 it’s me, _harry_potter_nerd and this is my EXTRA account, where I’ll only post Harry Potter and contests... and hey, speaking of contests🙌🏻 I’m hosting a HARRY⚡️POTTER⚡️ICON⚡️CONTEST⚡️ YAY😊 and I would like you to enter❣️ it would mean a lot to me😳☺️ thank you for your time-💜_harry_potter_nerd_XTRAS💜
you should do a collage for them # SHAWMILA4LIFE