i just watched beautiful creatures on netflix i remember watching that in like 6th grade going absolutely wild for it it wasnt even that good hehskd but it was nostalgic u should wath it


i just watched beautiful creatures on netflix i remember watching that in like 6th grade going absolutely wild for it it wasnt even that good hehskd but it was nostalgic u should wath it

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it’s harassing people. and why do you care about why I care what they’re doing?
look. ik it’s a joke, but there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. I get what you mean, but they’re just trolling ppl, not to mention that they are disrespecting religions: they claim that the (real) bible copied their bible of “rainiligion” and honestly that’s kinda going way too far.
I get that you’re chill and all, but I guess that for me there’s a line and they crossed it. for the record, I did block them.
is that the one w Jim Carey