To the brave Allison Argent; the one who loved a monster. "We hunt the ones who hunt us." —A.A.


To the brave Allison Argent; the one who loved a monster. "We hunt the ones who hunt us." —A.A.

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Oh gosh this is splendid❤️😊
thanks so much! honestly, this isn't my best stuff😂 the fact that i'm an inspiration inspires ME😅💕
oh, i almost forgot: is it interesting? like, would you want to know the story behind the scene?
Thank You!Astrid? She told me about you💕She said you were a great inspo to her✨
WOW, amazing
really? oh my gosh, thank you☺️💕 it's nice to know people like what i write:) as for more of the story...i might post more as time goes on👍🏻
this is emotional for me