eyes that talk


eyes that talk

41 2
hello i’m adrianna :)
okay okay I’ll stay x
thx for the follow!
do you like? x
yeah that one’s quite popular x
well good looks maybe 😂 x
hehe that’s true, music taste has got to be priority number one :) sure I’ll do it again xx
have fun learning and stuff :,) x
aha aw :) x
it’s alright, quite boring x
it’s treating me okay:) how are the states treating you? x
well there’s English and Scots, but Scots is very similar to English really x
it’s basically hello, but some people in Scotland spell it ‘halo’ x
mostly English, but some words come out more Scottish due to the accents, but generally it’s more English I’d say xx
aha it’d be more exciting with you around the place is boring as fûck
I’m on Easter break at the moment :)
aha i like my little village but everything’s so boring
i resemble a noodle once i stand up. but i really like your name :) how are you?
mm x
Hello I’m Brooklyn x
aha hey x
aw I don’t think I’ve ever been miSSed hehe x
aha smooth 😂 i miSSed you too, sorry I was at a very lame party
well it was meant to be a drinking and making out party but one boy tried to touch me and it was so boring that I left early it’d barely started aha
you don’t suck, and it’s alright I’m pretty sure he was drunk off his face anyway, I just moved away it wasn’t that bad x
yeah it’s 18, but it’s way more relaxed, I mean especially for me because my dad owns a pub aha x
good plan aha x
sitting in the pub, avoiding my dad’s questions about the party aha, how about you? x
he’s okay :) what time is it for you?
hi i’m cait
nice to meet you x - what is poppin ?
only 10:07 x
sad as usual .. laying in bed
I won’t, I’m a little “shook” after the shît party anyways aha
yeah I’m good x
now I’m in bed, because my dad was annoying me aha
also you’ll have to keep replying otherwise I’ll fall asleep aha x
it’s okay aha, my room’s above the pub, but my brothers live in the house joined next to the pub so sort of next to and above xx
nothing really .. :)) it was about this guy Juan i’m getting hurt
nooo not at all x
noooo way, I’m boring old jupiter from a boring family and a boring village, who’s not been brought up with the best role models so is a little bit of a mess 😂
you make me sound edgy 😂 and what’s so great about Scotland?
you’re sweet, but you’re cooler than me definitely
5’2 :,)
I’m literally a mess you’re cRazY
blimey someone’s pretty smooth today aha x
don’t disappear on me otherwise I’ll fall asleepppp
meanieee you ditched meee
oh yay x
11:11 :)
it’s okay I have a hard time sleeping anyways c
oh right, sorry, hope everything’s okay..
mhm x
I start missing you within like 0.5 seconds so :,)
anyway I’ll leave you alone
wowee you’re sweet. what’re you up to?
i stayed home from school today because i’m sick, but i’m otherwise okay
also, i just ate a lot of jelly beans and my stomach hUrTs
aww you’re such a good brother xx
I miss youuu but it’s probably like 3am for you aha
i ate the jelly beans last night but i was sick all day. and i think i like purple jelly beans??
hey lovely x
not bad, and you sir?
aw x
oh god 😂
hi I'm Kenna:)x
I was born on Halloween too, the devils presence is strong with me
well what’s it like where you are?
sounds about the same really x
you know him? x
that’s cool :) he should be my friend too because no one likes me hehe
put a good word in for me? 😂 - she’s not really talking to me. I don’t know /:
oh really? what did you say? heh - and don’t worry, it’s okay. it’s not your fault
sounds good to mee
cool name, how’re you?
I should hope so :)) x
re//: yes and yes
just sitting at my friend’s house, you?
im greatt. what’re you doin?
Mm 🖤
it’s been five years buT hi
^ yeah I was confused he just disappeared
well thank you aha, I like you too x
oh my lord, why? I’m like the local trashcan
I’m surprised the ladies aren’t all over you sir x
ya got me :)
what do you mean? :((
no tell me :(
well I think you’re amazing x
ugh I hate hatepages it’s horrible
say what?
ugh :((
I give up
Tate maybe I should leave /: everyone hates me
ivE been sleeping for however long i was gone :)
re//: im nonbinary, so neither, hbu?
well lea told him I think
I think he has a pretty good idea of what happened /:
I think that’s the best idea, I fûcked up everything for everyone, no one wants me here
you explain your side of the story to him, because at this point I don’t even know what happened and I’m part of it
I know it’s my fault not yours
it’s my fault
no stop
I’m taking responsibility I want to
tell rain that it was my fault please
calm down Tate okay? please put the blame on me and don’t argue with him
both of you need to stop it’s not helping if you both argue
I know that you didn’t mean for this to happen /:
just kill me
I’m such a prîck
I hurt my best friend.
I’m never going to forgive myself
Tate wait
I’ve apologised that’s all I can do really
I don’t know I’d like us to be friends
I obviously can’t pursue us because of the situation that would make me an even worse person
how're you,today?:)
can you remix me
you totally ignored me :/
i don’t know what i said ahA
yeah maybe c
if you make a bio I better be in it kiddo
Hello, I’m Ava (:
I really like you, and if you’re mad about what I said to lea it’s because it’s only going to bring more drama I can tell, and what I don’t want is for you to be getting any kind of hate because I really really care about you.
I also don’t think I’m good enough for you :(
that’s so sweet.. but it’s not your fault
Tate are you kidding me
of course I am, I’m a little offended that you think I’m not
alright well I’m exhausted, so can we talk about this properly another time?
never 🖤 I love you x
Tate.. gone?
I need you :(
I know you’re going through stuff but the fact that you just abandoned me hurts a lot, I don’t get you. I’m leaving.
I hate Instagram more than I hate this app, which is saying something considering how much I hate this app.
you’re too busy for me, I’m going to delete
you stopped :,)
hey I'm Myah
hi im abigail
I’ll assume you’re not still here