Collage by PicCollage_Helpers


35 0
really? who is the CEO? And how do we know you're not lying...?
okay 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I thought your name was something else... and... you're still not verified... maybe you could get the CEO or whoever to verify you?
Hey😊 So idk if ur really in with PC, but I'd appreciate it if u looked at my page?😬 I promise it won't make ur eyes bleed😳 They aren't THAT THAT THAT horrible😂
Suuuuurre. verify yourself? i NEED proof. BTW, proof is not this: 'we were hired By PC!' also..that time u spelled celebrities wrong...
OH OH! you spelled PicCollege. At least someone would check they're spelling!🤔sorry if I was mean