You know what to do


You know what to do

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so many drama queens uhh 🙄
why are you going LOOKING FOR DRAMA. I thought you are trying to end all the drama. you need to get your nose out of everything and do something without being in other peoples business
can you go look on my recent post
oh my god. what is wrong with you people? can’t you tell it’s a joke?🤦‍♂️😂stop being drama queens. it doesn’t look good on you
hehe you know it
we’re so salty we expose the haters
it annoys me that this is what you do in your free time
you obviously have a lot
wonder how much you have to intentionally comment on someone else’s account boooo
Who are you?
non of yo biz
I hooman
I’m I have drama with you
let me tell u about this collager...
this is very entertaining😂
shut up no your not 😂
Omg! U really need to calm down!
Don’t follow her she’s just to jealous and is to dumb to not fix it.
Shut up now
ur jealous that we have a lot more followers than you
basically she is rlly annoying me and thinks she’s funny and clever but she’s rlly not
what is everyone’s issue with this acc I think it’s a good idea to show people that dram starters are being exposed
Umm…excuse me! But SHUT UP
bro u got issues! what’s wrong with you?
Ugh 🤦🏻‍♀️ This again? Pfft. If you can’t tell ^ people aren’t gonna be super sincere and sweet about asking you to quit. Idk if your the same person, but I knew another girl/guy that had an account for this... lemme just say it didn’t go well...Anyway like everyone else here, I advise you to start fresh and actually make collages, not ones that are “exposing”people. I’ll be praying that you change your mind about these people, cause everyone sins, it’s a part of life, and sadly some people aren’t gonna accept that as much as others. Those people need to practice letting it roll of their backs, even I have to practice that. So anyway, this is not criticism, just me telling you, it’s a part of life.
we are just exposing people bc it needs to be done
It doesn’t need to be done, it’s just taking all the heat off of you and putting it on others.
Ahah. It really doesn’t need to be at all...
“peace” of garbage?
we will never stop sorry
not sorry
thanks for the speech that I tuned out halfway through
I know your not sorry.
and I didn’t ask for you to apologize to me
I will just pray that you will apologize to the people you have hurt
peace ✌🏻
Lol guess what pc going to delete you tomorrow
we are too famous to have that happen
this account is good it’s a good thing for people to know who are the bad people on pc and this acc isn’t one of them it’s helping you guys know who are bad
oh my gosh congratulations you’re going to get deleted
keep your abnormally large nose out of other people’s business -harry potter prisoner of azkaban
we aim getting deleted ok
well if you didn’t wanna get deleted and you should’ve thought about your actions