Love my family


Love my family

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thank you beautiful
pretty šŸ¤©
of course!
itā€™s been good! busy but good! been feeling a bit nauseous for the last couple weeks though :(
oh my, thank you so much!! so are you šŸ„¹
I know itā€™s been so weird
thereā€™s a possibility
*nods* we have been since we started talking again
*nods a bit* yeah I have
*looks at you*
*nods* it is Dylan. weā€™ve talked heavily about what happened before and we both own up to certain things that we are keeping private but Iā€™m being honest when I say that we have both matured and have been able to sit and talk and understand each other without interrupting each other or starting fights
thank you p! I really appreciate it! if I am I canā€™t wait for you to be an aunty again!!! *smiles* Iā€™m so scared to have another baby but I always want another one so bad
I know, they grow so so fast
I know isnā€™t thatā€™s crazy!
I want a baby but I know we have been together long and I donā€™t wanna rush things but I want a baby ugh
Yo whatā€™s up
Honestly Iā€™m not doing the best, but itā€™s all good :) and we are doing great, sheā€™s an amazing girl
I know itā€™s crazy! Rosa is starting kinder soon!
yeah I get you! Iā€™m glad you can accept that. Dylan and I are trying for anyone baby so soon! and we will see how many more we have after
Well, Bella and her mum are moving to a different country so I wonā€™t even be able to see her unless I travel back and forth
I totally get you! I know Iā€™ve let my body rest for a bit so o think thatā€™s why Iā€™m ready
Yeah itā€™s alright šŸ˜• it just sxcks being in this situation sometimes
yes! they love and miss you!
oh no really?!
Iā€™m taking a test soon
yes do whatever! if not we will make time sometime!
sure! get me whatever you like :)
Iā€™m not a huge banana fan in smoothies
~slowly goes into your arms, resting my head on your shoulder~
her mum found a new partner and she wants to live closer while torturing me by not seeing Bella anymore
I donā€™t know, Iā€™m not that invested
okay! be safe
I donā€™t even have the required paperwork to travel out of country šŸ˜­šŸ’€
*smiles and opens the doir*
*waves* hi!
*smiles and hugs everyone* hi hi! Iā€™ve missed you!
*nods* okay no worries you can go lay them down in the room if youā€™d like?
*takes it and closes the door behind you guy*
yeah! I have the play pen in the living room that I can pxt a bed I usually pxt for Rosa
*smiles and goes and gets a box out* I have something to show you! I got both of us a little gift!
itā€™s okay! itā€™s a late mothers gift! *smiles and hangs you an envelope first* okay open this first
*inside is a all inclusive spa day for you*
a what an two babyā€™s?
^ I still have one more gifts!
not itā€™s okay! *hands you a box*
*smiles and inside is a new born onesie that says aunts new favorite, baby shoes, a glass for wine and a wine bottle for you*
*nods as my eyes tear up a bit*
^its okay if you arenā€™t happy, I just wanted to tell you in a cute way. I know itā€™s sudden but Iā€™m happy
no worries itā€™s okay
no itā€™s okay!
thank you! we found out a couple days ago but I wanted to make you a little basket!
Awe really?! who else is pregnant?! of course of course! Iā€™m so excited and so is Dylan!
Have you heard the news?
ThanksšŸ˜ŒI was a lil shockedā€¦but not really šŸ˜
*smiles* how exciting! Iā€™m so excited I canā€™t wait!
Yep tell me about it
I surprised Dylan with the news because we had been trying for a while and then I could t hold it a secret anymore
itā€™s really is! I surprised Dylan with a ā€œbaby moonā€ at an all inclusive respite and spa and then gave him a little basket as well
we are going early in case of anything. Iā€™ve never had one and Dylan and I are trying to experience new things together. crazy how much we talk about marriage. but itā€™s something we both want
oh no did you really? thatā€™s not fun. we leave this Friday I believe for the trip
ahh yes I get that. Iā€™m sorry! maybe just a weekend to yourselves would be good!
recent is pending babes
still pending babes
I get that. hopefully he comes back soon
ahh I see that. itā€™s hard when they are gone for a while
yeah thatā€™s true
girl that is the worst! one thing about pregnancy is I need it at all times!
thatā€™s no fun! dang your going to make me need Dylan rn haha
haha. hopefully he will soon! if it makes you feel better Dylan and I didnā€™t do it haha
haha i know. but we will soon haha. pregnancy always has me feeling some kind of way
isnā€™t it crazy. Iā€™m so glad I crave it more when Iā€™m pregnant then to be the opposite and be like ahh no donā€™t touch haha
yeah thatā€™s true.
haha same here
oh no! whereā€™d he been?
ahh okay i see
yes i hope so too!
Iā€™ve been good *smiles* wbu?