12 more days to go 
12 more days till Santa
The big fat fellow comes down your chimney gives you presents and drinks your beer!
12 more days till Santa 


12 more days to go 12 more days till Santa The big fat fellow comes down your chimney gives you presents and drinks your beer! 12 more days till Santa 🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽🎅🏽

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