Talk to me everyone!!! ❤️❤️


Talk to me everyone!!! ❤️❤️

19 0
I know I ain’t charlxox but hoi 😉
hey x😘
hey back!!
how you doing? (I lost you for a sec there) 😘😘
haha sorry I'm good xx😘😘how about you
I'm good. 😊😊
all g 😘😘
😘what time is it where you are now x😘
11:45 pm
what about you? 😘😘
oh wow 4:46pm here 😂😘
still in town x😘
oh lol 😂😂
whatcha doing in town?
finding my friend a birthday present xx😘
haha fair enough.
yeh, I'm in bed. I've decided not to even try to go to sleep. too much on my mind
like what if you don't mind me asking? x😘
well, the future I guess
I have big dreams. and I was forced to accept that, but now I can't get them off my mind.
I feel like they are the stars and you can't touch the stars, because you can't reach, and if you touched a star you'd get burnt
how do you get to your dream? what if you can't?
sorry to dump this all on you lol 😁😁
haha no it's cool 😊😘x
that's what friends are for right?😊😘
sorry I didn't answer was getting macdonalds xx
what do you want to do when your older xxx😘😊
see, you're smart! 👏👏 Maccas is always a good idea 👍
yeah, thanks. 😘😘
enjoy the Maccas!!
haha ikr can't go wrong with macdonalds 👍🏻😉xx
so true! 😉😉
😂😂on my way home now x
ok, safe trip!! 😘😘
how was dat Maccas
amazing delicious!😘😂and ikr thank the heavens xx
haha lol. good to hear!! 👏👏
I just got someone to give their brother a high five for me and he is in a state of perpetual confusion lol.
haha😂😂😂omg that's funny x😘
poor guy.
aren't I smart I'm on a bus with wifi and using my data 😂😂xx
that's so smart.
ikr the sarcasm😂😂x👍🏻😘
I on the wifi now 😂😂😘
I've always wanted to live in Australia is it nice? x😘😘
ok lol. 😂😂😊😊
😂x what time is it now you will be waking up and I'll be going to sleep then I'll be getting up and you'll be getting to sleep 😂😂😘x
I know right?? 😂😂
yeah, it's 12:55 pm rn.
oh wow😂😂your on Friday now right 😂😂xx and it's 5:57pm here xx
not yet
if it's 12:55 you are??
... in... 2 minutes...
oh it's different here lol
after 12:00 it's the next day x
k. wow. 😂😂
now it's 1!!
I know right this world is so confusing...😒😔
yeah... so weird 😁😁😂😂
also I burned my tongue on a hot chocolate and now I can't taste anything sad times 😂👍🏻😘x
i know right urgh when do you go back to school xxx😘
I hate it when that happens!! it feels like furry or something... blech. 😭😭
i know doesn't it just!!!🙄xx
why do you have hot chocolate?
I just dropped my bag down the bus stairs 😂😂😘
may I ask? 😉😉😘😘
anyways I have to go phone gonna die talk tommorow xx😘😂
oh no! ok, well, cya then!! love ya 😘😘
I don't my mate gave me it and it's to keep warm you probs wouldn't have it as you live in a hot country xx
we have Milo (and like heated up On The Go) and... gluten, dairy, and sugar free hot chocolate. 😊😊
seems legit right?
cya xx 😘😘
haha xx
I love ya tooo xx😘
your probably alseep but hey x😂😘
nah, insomnia
fun 😉😉
lol xx now you are definitely alseep xx😘😂
thx I love ur acc too! 💖✨
am good u
lol am so bored
hey x
wuu2 x
chat on here x😘😘😘😘
I'm so happy for you!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊
haha thanks x 😘
what you doing xx
nothing much. just got home from Youth Group (that's why I didn't reply earlier, sorry!!!) and am about to get changed into pjs.
what about you?? 😘😘
yes pls
ooo nice xx
just chilling😂😘x
what time is it there? x it's 5:25pm here x
oh sweet!!
it's um, let me check... 12:30 pm here. I'm hungry.
that was random lol sorry. 😘😘
hahahaha 😂
haha no don't be 😂😂😘x
what you doing x😘😁
the world will never know why the chicken crossed the road
your welcome for the follow
55% u?
LOLERS but u can still chat there
bye bye
hey x
hi this is the making of omega_sylveons HATEPAGE before u stop reading I want to let I know I have changed thx to omega_sylveon she gave me chance and she helped me to stop hating and I have apologised to her
listening to There new album
me to
yea I am
am not am listening to Gucci flip flops
hey x
thanks so much!
I'm good how about you text on here x😘
yeh I'm good thanks. I feel like a zombie, but I'm ok.
what are you doing rn?
haha what time is it where you are must be late!😂😘x
oh I'm watching anime x
I'm watching sword art online x😘for the second time 😂👌🏻x
I start school on Tuesday 😑😒x when do you start x
2:45-3:00 am... who knows??
haha lol. yeh. so you like it huh?
um, I had the week off but I'm back in two days or technically tomorrow cos it's morning already 😁😁😉😉
I dislike school
yes I think it's a good. anime don't you like it and when do you go back to school xx😘😂😂
schools ok x
sorry your message didn't come through before 😂😂x
do you go to a girl and boy school?? x😘
ps do you like sword art online x😘
I feel like it's a waste of my time TBH. I mean people are always like no no it's not a waste, but ok, for me it is. I'm not going to use any of it.
haha lol all g!
I'm glad you kinda like school. someone in the world should
xx lol I wish I went to a girl and boys school though worst decision of my life 😟😑x
that's sucky tho. 😭😭
I sympathise, I feel for you.
ikr and omg I just noticed you saw those pictures of me on bobbismithxxs account😂😱x
haha yeah!
so good my friend!!
there pictures of me in real life the one with the darker hair x
😂😂thanks so much! x
least your not the dog... 😉😉
that dog likes me one second then tries to kill me the next 😂😂x
Aaah!! 🙀🙀 that's scary!! the dog lol 🐶🐶 WHY Barney?? why? (wait, Barneys right, right? I don't really remember)
I know he almost bit my hand off 😱😭x
oh lol. I FAILED. DANG IT!
oh shock!! WHY (ahem ahem Bailey) why??
ha not my dog he's my friends x
he's Bobbis?? that's what I assumed but idk...
yes x
k, well, I'd better go... sleep. Cya tomorrow!! 😘😘
have a good one xx
on my icon I'm the one on the right x she's on the left x
ohhhhhhhh ok. cool. 😊😊
yes I was just gonna say that we'll see you tommrow have a good night 😂😂x😘
we'll see ya x😘good luck with school x😂
right, actually going this time!! getting hungry... darn it!! don't you hate that lol. kkkkkkkk, cya xx 😘😘
I start Tuesday soooo you know 😂😘x
haha yes doesn't everyyyy one 😂😘x
see yaaaaa😂😘x
k, I know, sorry!! 😴😴😴
how’s everything going?
lol I am good!! what’s up?
hey xxx
nothing much just roller skating x😘
hey I'm back z
I'll take pictures of me roller skating later x
hey x
I'm taking pics tommorow when my mates her it's easier xxx
hey x
actually just thinking about it you won't be awake now x😘
hey x
hello x
I have school tommorow urgh x
heyyyyyy xx
hello are you there x😘
are you ok you haven't been replying 😭
hey x
yes I'm not really fine I'm just fuming with my parents that's all and I have school rn and I honestly don't want to go because I'm letting my netball team down cause my mum and dad not let me do matches against other schools x 😭😭😭😭
no don't worry it's fine x
these things happen I guess
just got to give up my second favourite sport no big deal 😭sorry xx
anyways when are you in school???
oooo that's cool what's it like being homeschooled and naughty your in class and texting me!!! xx😂😂😂😘
have you ever been to school at all x
it's good I'm in high school x I go to an all girls school so it does get lonely without the boys as I used to go to a girls and boys primary school x however it's really good you get to be in sport teams and sometimes get to sit next to your friends in lessons it's really cool in that sense xx😘
yeah I was gonna say go now anyways good luck I should be finished in like 5 hours xx
heyyyyyy x
hey xxx
are you okay? x
awww thanks I'm good and you seem upset what's wrong please tell me I am not going to force you though xx