Hello, everyone! Yes, it is Philipia and I’m back! I apologize greatly for my leaving and hope to get a fresh start on new collages. If anyone wants to update me on anything important or if anyone wants to chat after a long time I will be willing to chat


Hello, everyone! Yes, it is Philipia and I’m back! I apologize greatly for my leaving and hope to get a fresh start on new collages. If anyone wants to update me on anything important or if anyone wants to chat after a long time I will be willing to chat

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so recently there’s lot’s of ppl leaving and there’s also lots and lots of ppl who just go to featured collages to tell the person to like their posts just bc they want to get featured
Welcome back! 😋
I just ignore them 😂
idk 🤔🤔🤔
Ty! 😆
welcome back !!!