Jealous Anom.πŸ’“


Jealous Anom.πŸ’“

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So true, you have a right to feel that way, but your crush/bf may just want to hang with other girls, as friends. Most likely, he wants to hang out with others as well. Just because the girls you see him with are of the opposite gender, it doesn't mean that he's "in love" with them. Try to remember that the next you time you start to feel jealous.πŸ’™
sounds like he's being jealous over you if he doesn't want you talking to other guys (which you are TOTALLY allowed to do btw)
ok. so. he has friends that are girls and you have friends that are guys? and he says you shouldn't be friends with them but he's friends with those girls? that's not fair. (sorry if I misinterpreted the info, I'm sick and feel dead) talk to him. communication is the most important thing in anything.
sit down with him privately and calmly explain how you feel. If you trust that guy, then what he says about the other girls just being friends is true. you TOTALLY can talk to other guys. Girls sometimes really need a guy that is just a friend! πŸ’•Here to talk if needed
I totally get why you're angry, and you have a right to feel jelly (if he doesn't want you talking to other dudes, he's probably jealous, too ;)). I agree with ^ that communication is the most important thing, so if you feel uncomfortable with anything, the two of you should be able to talk it out. maybe tell him that you have a right to have friends with the opposite gender just like he does. best of luck, love <33
β€ΌοΈπŸ›‘ someone changed the password to the account❌