⚡️Day 8 HP challenge⚡️tap
Favorite death eater?
Mine are Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Draco
Put yours in the comments


⚡️Day 8 HP challenge⚡️tap Favorite death eater? Mine are Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Draco Put yours in the comments

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Draco, narcissa, Bellatrix or scabior
well I actually like Draco and narcissa and then I 'love to hate' Bellatrix and scabior
^^ same
Regulus Black. If he counts ('cause he quit). If he doesn't count probably Bellatrix or Narcissa.
idk who my fav is they’re all pretty cool
^^^ no wait! greyback scares me!
also, narcissa was nvr a death eater😱
she just stood by them the whole time