Collage by forlornsparrow


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yeppp that sounds good!! and yes it def makes sense that Marco tracked them down using her passport, and that he’s been planning something for months just like they have, but Marco was just waiting for the right time to act which happens to be when he sees they’re in Spain.
Alsoo I had a little idea I’ve been thinking about the past few days, I was thinking once the entire fíght scene is done with and he’s kíłłed Marco, they still need to make it back to the states asap for her and so Alexei stèalş Marco’s private jet and flies them back to Spain or a diff country and that’s where they take the plane to the states. I think it would be cute to have her still in shock from all that happened and then more shock at the fact that he knows how to fly a jet, and he lets her take over the wheel and it’s a bit of a calmer moment since they get to be fully in control of the flight after the last day? just as a little filler before we started on the her family story (and if u still wanted them to sleep together after defeating Marco it could be on the jet while it’s on autopilot and they’re still in a rush from everything that just happened)
sorry for all the words LOL
Ooooo yes that’s acc a rlly good idea, I think it would be a bit more impactful if it was just pure silence and then a kiss to break the silence before they spoke to eachother? I still like the idea of Alexei stealing from Marco after all he did so maybe he takes his car to drive them to the hotel, and then arranges a jet the next day.
I’ve been trying to work on both responses little by little. I probably won’t get to finish them todays butttt I just wanted to make sure we were on a similar page for the fïght. I was thinking, maybe because Marco is a lowk coward and also just holds more satisfaction from hurting Alice directly, his entire plan is to make Alexei get through all of his men before he can get to him? and so it’s Alexei alone against a bunch of guys, and while the odds shouldn’t be in his favour realistically, he’s driven by the need to save Alice. and then to both Alice and Marco’s surprise, he does make it out alive, and that’s when they fíght together? so it’s like a bit of a two parter where he was fórcèd to do it all on his own first before finally getting her help after (maybe like round two with another half of his men and Marco himself)
also I think it would be cool if Alice got the chance to hold a wèàpón to Marco’s head and she had planned on doing it all so they could just leave but alexei protests from across the room and instead insists on doing it himself despite being in rough shape from all he’s already done