There's a big storm right now, my brother keeps screaming and crying that there will be a tornado, a tree almost fell down, and my dad and I are the only ones keeping our cool. Oh and I'm pretty sure one of the only people I care about right now hates me.


There's a big storm right now, my brother keeps screaming and crying that there will be a tornado, a tree almost fell down, and my dad and I are the only ones keeping our cool. Oh and I'm pretty sure one of the only people I care about right now hates me.

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stay safe fren :)
Be safe
stay safe Hun
stay safe but whoever hates you I will actually fight them irl or over the internet I will Cyber Sliceā„¢ them
^ don't, they didn't do anything wrong, it was all me
^ I still will because everyone makes mistakes and you shouldn't automatically hate someone because they did something they didn't like once
^ yeah but it was less of a mistake and more of a me doing something they said they didn't like more than once so now they're mad at me and i feel awful because i should've known they would get mad
ooh I hope you're safe ;; I'd be screaming my head off at that storm, how are you so calm :o
i really like storms so i don't really mind. even when there was a lightning strike right next to my house and it shook the house i was like "ooh nice"