Look at my sleeping beauty❤️


#puppygoals Look at my sleeping beauty❤️

23 0
right I like u as a friend and cute
well I broke up with her and so she started hating me
yeah but she really piśśed me off! she asked where I lived and shït like that so I broke up with her
she probably is 10
R u talking bout me
omg thx so much!! that sounds amazing 😂 thx so much it means a lot!!
oh....... thank you so much for your concern I think I am a lot happier tho but thx! 🤗
I am kinda mad but how could I text u if u haven't even made a collage yet dumbâśš
u should say sorry and u should know why I am mad in the first place I don't have to tell u
oh ok but I am still mad. U basically left without saying šhït
ok so talk
it's really is ok this, to me wasn't a great relationship and u r still young so u aren't ready for that type of commitment but there's no hard feelings
so go on my adorable manatee and do what makes u happy
clearly I live in Australia u?
I wish I could live in New York! Take me to New York plz
don't worry I'm weird to I destroyed everything I'm a loner 😂😂
let's be loners together then😂😂
together forever 😂
no wonder lol 😂😂
idk weirdness, sporty, loner (JK) and nothing like DanceMomfan or whatever her name is!
have you left
where r u