also how do you guys get yourself to fall asleep? i haven’t been able to lately and it’s a real issue


also how do you guys get yourself to fall asleep? i haven’t been able to lately and it’s a real issue

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i watch bob ross
haha I used to not be able to fall asleep for forever but now I just read cr^p fanfics until 1 am then I fall asleep faster lol 🤷🏽‍♀️
that prolly doesn’t help at all...sorry 😬
no joke, i need a man like that 😩😍👌but seriously tho idk he's calming
i just think up random silly stories and try to work out plot holes and i overthink myself to sleep
imâo same @captionn
@caption: read until you feel tired... but once I feel tired but I still can’t really get to sleep, sometimes counting your breaths can help (I know it’s weird but it kind of works). First, you count your inhales up to ten, and then you count your exhales up to ten😂hope that helps!
re//ah yes I can relate!! I actually did watch an episode of rise pretty late last night...
also re// I like just about anything faves are 1D, top, the emo trinity, ed sheeran, Khalid, imagine dragons, and yeah there’s a lot I like....
i try to turn my phone off an hour before i go to bed and reading
i listen to music and sometimes the welcome to night vale podcast because it gives me cool dreams sometimes 😂😂
I try to make up stories in my head and then eventually I drift off; or I just don’t sleep at all one night and sleep the next night like an actual human.