I figured that it would be easiest to move all of the resources that I’ve already posted + more in the remixes of this post. I’ll also be updating it whenever I find something new to add so keep checking up on this post if you want. BLM 💗


I figured that it would be easiest to move all of the resources that I’ve already posted + more in the remixes of this post. I’ll also be updating it whenever I find something new to add so keep checking up on this post if you want. BLM 💗

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WEBSITE TO VISIT: https://saytheirnames.carrd.co/#petitions (list of petitions that you can sign)
PETITION: https://www.change.org/p/prefeitura-do-rio-de-janeiro-justice-for-jo%C4%81o-pedro
PETITION: https://www.change.org/p/department-of-justice-police-accountability-act-of-2020
yess I love Gilmore girls so much it’s such a friends/office cozy type of show
thank you for sharing these
omg yess love Logan
yess I loved Jess sm but I loved Logan even more
thank you for this! 💗
hahaha yES our emo king 🤠
yess thanks for sharing these with us Maddie🥺
okay here’s the deal😂 i feel like absolute cräp !!😂 i have a headache and i have a UTI and today i started that time of the month and my first day is worst day for cramps. i don’t eat and i’m exhausted like all the time so like we’re vibingggg😂