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I don't know my PC pass word sooo I can't! I'm sorry, but contact me on my other account called MyLifeAsCami and we could make one on there!
Yes of course!!
Just edits! I think it should be called EditingQueens
I'll create it right now
Or EditingVibes??
Bibblez_Edits or Latte_Edits
I like just LatteEdits
How will we both get the PASS?
I think LatteEdits should be it!🐻🙈
No I don't but you can just choose the pics to use and I can edit em
I'm just gonna download some fonts to use on the edits and then I'll be ready
Ok! Sounds good! You find some We Heart It pics and I'll get some fonts!
Yes then we'll have to find a way to get the password
what's the pass for it? Just comment it on my acc real quick and then I'll delete it
What is it again??
I'm in the Acc! Let's post something!!
Make sure the edits good!
Ok! Is it ok if I post on the Acc?
Posted the first post!
Hope you like the post I posted on the account! XOXO
TYSM! I'm glad you like the post! XOXO
Hey do you want to work on a post for the account? Make sure you use We Heart It (or safari) Phonto and a filter/editing app to use so it can be good quality! XOXO
Oh my gawd! I accidentally deleted the post you had posted!! I thought I was on my LatteMoonlight account! I'm so sorry! I just reposted it tho!! I'm so sorry!!
You can post another post now! I just posted!
How did u do that it's so cute and I love it a lot