You been on my mind lately


You been on my mind lately

90 0
aww thank you but not prettier then you😭💕💕
that's not even true
I promise it is
i hope it never is
very true
not true
your smart too
at home
but I've been there
nah but I may be about you 😶 or someone else 😇
it's about you
and someone else
i can't😩 i don't want to ruin anything
i know you do, I'm pretty sure a lot of people wanna know
but for now it's a mystery for everyone
i know so am I
I'll be able to tell you soon
pleas don't get mad
ok good
i know but it's not like it was going to last
why would he... oh wait I forgot it's my fault
no I'm not fighting either Av... I'm just say that this whole break up thing was my fault
no Av stop... i understand Apollo would be mad but we went our separate ways so we could find who we actually need to be with. non of this is your fault the problem was between me and him I don't want you to feel like it's your fault
Av, I'm not made at you