Qotd; celebrity crush ?


Qotd; celebrity crush ?

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yup same!!!! I’m glad to say that I’m proud to be a slytherin
AOTD: Tom Felton 💚💚💚
josh hutcherson
... what???? Tom Felton????? you know the person that played DRACO MALFOY?????? gurllllllll I thought u were a slytherin
lol it’s ok
I was about to get worried 😟 😂😂
no no there really good
haha shouldn’t I be the one who is thanking you??? 😂
lol I know I was expecting another person to answer but I guess I have no friends😰😭
you’re my only friend, literally 😖
don’t think I have one
I am 13 hbu?
who’s ur fav character on hp?
ur in 7th almost 8th?
can you show I pic of yourself?
A pic*
just did I posted one
aww thx
like everyone from wdw