My elf on the shelf is back.


My elf on the shelf is back.

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yh..this is wat 15yr olds do
she admitted she wasn't 15, she said she was 12 I can do a screenshot and show if you like :) I still think she is saying some lies but this is getting closer to the truth
ok fine I'm 10 years old and I just want to make some friends because I don't really have eny...I have 1 friend. 😭😭😭
then you shouldn't of lied. Lying got you into this situation. you also shouldn't of threatened and stuff.
@Choquette your not really helping....
I thought I deleted the ones that I lied on...!?
and that really my elf!!!!!
that is.
yes you have stopped lying so choquette should stop going on about it and stuff.
Thank You
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