I bought myself chai tea, took a nice shower, and painted my nails so I feel pretty and cozy:.:


I bought myself chai tea, took a nice shower, and painted my nails so I feel pretty and cozy:.:

27 0
:.:peaceful aesthetic for your evening:.:
no U
haha thank you πŸ’•πŸ’• im ok ig how are you?? I feel like it's been ages but I hope you've been doing well?
aww thanks <3
I love all the vibes this post has
u look so cute n cozy
1- this is so pretty and aesthetic I applaud you, 1”2- sEe what’s funny about the whole thing is my truck is kinda high up, so the only thing it did was kinda dent my bumper. like. my trucks fiNe lmaoo
pretty !!!!!!
so aesthetically plEASING
Stan Peppa Pig to be skinny!!!