Please don't repost on any other things like FB Insta Twitter all that or it will make things worst for me


Please don't repost on any other things like FB Insta Twitter all that or it will make things worst for me

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I'm not trying to be rude at all cuz ily (as a friend)
but people older than us go through things and they do end up in hospital because of starving themselves or cutting or more terrible things
we are only young and going through..... phase I'll just say and don't worry I do think about starving myself but then I look at Doritos and then I'm like 'nah I see doritos' a
and also listen to Cameron Dallas's advice he is so nice, sweet, kind, funny, and he loves us to bits
Caitlin can u stop its just pube we not being mean and all so don't cry and can't mad like u do. cuz it's just a misunderstanding if u want to be sad be sad and miserable but I doubt u want that cuz at school ur really happy
I think we understand more then. u want depression is.
I'm 100percent sure that ur pretty girl who is cheery and gets along with everyone. your not bullied . ur parents haven't passed or been killed. you haven't been in a big car crash . depression is a sickness not something u can easily get and we do rly as a friend
we are just trying to help but if u don't want us then the only way is to confess something or figure out something this is for u alone if we don't understand.
like what Jay said, u never get bullied and neither do we the school we go to is amazing and we're lucky to be bully free so I'm 99.9% sure it's pube
and if anything I should be the one depressed, my neighbour just passed away last week and she helped me so much in life. she made me interested in horse riding
btw people(mostly girls) get very depressed when getting Fergus or pube. when I got my Fergus last month I felt sooooo depressed about Magcon. remember that Magcon family post? ya that's when I was on Fergus
really really u don't know me u may know me as the fun loving girl at school but at school I wanna curl into a hole and. stay there until everyone is gone I get so mad when my mum and dad umm lets just say can have cancer with their lungs and people try to quit and my mum doesn't have the money to quit and when my mum and real dad fight.
when I can't sleep and I get up at 2:00 (back to sleep) 3:00 (back to sleep) and so on!
I want someone with me but if someone goes for someone and I don't say anything before someone does I will be left with no one to love 😞
this is how I feel in my body #*%£€|£.,'**^+_
you should down load franbow if u get a computer cuz I might help you
it's creepy but has meaning
we don't understand so don't talk to us about it Caity -_-
fine if u think that I meant that then alright fine we won't talk you can just go unfollow me
but that's what u said
ur being really
Caity we don't understand what you want. first ur body shaming yourself for no reason at all, second u want a boyfriend which will not help at all, third ur acting like ur being bullied which u are not, fourth everyone else but us think that ur getting hated by someone and ur not. ur lucky that u don't actually use a knife and dig it into ur skin every night because people like that have stories and get bullied but ur doing this for not reason what so ever
I said "U DONT UNDERSTAND" because well it's hard to say I'll post it if u don't know what I mean then I will post a collage how about that huh?
sorry I understand
u do
all this makes me have arguments and fights with my friends it's so hard to make people know what u go through its so hard I just want someone or something to help instead of going against me
for the last time Caity we were not fighting with u we just are trying to let u see it in our eyes and i feel really rude but it's really exhausting for us to have u keep on saying how awful we are for not having ur back . no one can unstandardised the person unless u are the person- John green paper towns that's like the whole meaning of the book. anyway ur not even a teenager yet and do u know how unhappy u were with Declan that's because young love never works and till your older be patient don't put ur hatred on others .
ok I'm sorry I know how much your there for me can u forgive me and I feel so bad I wasn't there on Friday did u have trouble with the project I'm so sorry
no but I have almost finished it
my mum yelled at me and I did have the project again
maybe u could just get some info on battle scars
omg yes I will anything to make up for what happened besides I'm the one who should've been yelled at I'm so sorry