My entry for a contest


My entry for a contest

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hey! let’s collab.
what contest?
did you want to exchange emails so then we could exchange messages?
or do we just talk on here
love thisss!🤩
teams are up!! come see which team you’re innn! 😄💖💖
this is gorgeous ♥️
lets do emails x
omg I’m so sorry I was so busy who’s games are we doing again
I’ll get the background after you tell me
again so sorryfor thelate reply
thx for the spam
Hey collager! Not long ago, you’ll remember I put you in your teams. Well I’m happy to announce round 1 is here for the Celebrity Games!! Come see what your first task is! Due date is August 10th!! 💕💕
it’s all good ☺️
tysm for the spam!!!
tysm for spam of like
I’m confused are we just doing a normal collab for clear-blue-waters games?
just a reminder task 2 is due tomorrow 😳enter quickly!!!
ok I’ll send you the background
let me know if it’s on pending review
and thank you