Like seriously 🙄


Like seriously 🙄

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this is so rude! she is amazing and so kind she doesn’t deserve this. plus you don’t even know her! like why hate on some one you don’t even flipping know? I am reporting this
what, why are you so rude, floha is such an amazing name and she is sooo talented and kind, she does not deserve this hate
Oh my gosh! She is so amazing and kind! Her collages are probably better than yours and you’re jealous of her collages.
Ppl that make hatepages are the immature ones, you actually took time out of your day to do this? So pathetic. You’re obviously insecure and unhappy with your life, so I hope things change for you.
Huh, what’s your main?
OMG GURL PUL-EEZE TAKE A CHILL PILL. You are one sick dog you idiot. Just stop hating on floha. She is the best, you are the worst, just DEAL. WITH. IT. TAKE A HINT BRO! Just stop being a jerk
You are just being a juvenile b**** trying to show off
you know who really should detente your account...*drops I the ground and sticks middle finger at chu.* “YOUUUUU!”
1. of all it’s not trash. in fact a lot of my friends on pc r in that bio and she is a truest amazing person so shut the heck up
I’m Asian proud and I mention it in my bio!!!
yeah i TOTALLY hate her wth i'm her best friend... in real life
you literally know nothing about her, yet you hate? also,, it's her bio so she can put whatever she wants in it :)
btw seafood is amazing so
mmm hi child :) and between all the grammatical errors in this collage and making a hatepage for someone you don’t even know, i think i have the right to call you a child. smh so immature -_- let’s “start from the top” as you put it. here’s a thought: it’s HER account. what she chooses as her username or icon is her choice, and she obviously doesn’t care what others think about it, especially not you. i personally think her bio is amazing, and it’s funny unlike you. and as a friend of hers in real life, i can confirm that i don’t hate her -_- i wouldn’t be here if i did...duh. lmäo being asian is wonderful and you’re missing out 🤷🏻‍♀️ you know literally nothing about her, which makes it even more stupid that you hate on her. floha is an amazing person, and she doesn’t deserve any of this.
conclusion: she's amazing so don't hate pls :) you can be amazing too!! just stop hating!!
like, just by deleting this page/ changing it completely would turn u from a negative person who ppl are arguing (?) with to somebody who is accepted and positive
oof do u have a main... u prob do
oh!What a STUPID username name HATEPAGE is!Its so uncreative and used by so many people.Oh and btw,Hi child!So many grammatical errors here!How about you go to school first and then HAVE A LIFE!How about that sweetie
YOU ARE SUCH A BULLY! What is your problem?!
ummmmm freaking heckles NOOOOOOOOO! this is just wrong in so many ways! just read ALL OF THE FREAKING COMMENTS! And btw, of her friends hated her, WHY WOULD THERE BE AO MANY SUPPORTIVE COMMENTS DEFENDING HER??? She is also super nice, UNLIKE YOU
ooooh look who’s talking
I know you’re only five years old, honey, but you shouldn’t hate on others. didn’t your momma teach you that?
look a five year old racist
..... That’s just low....
She is very nice and supportive and i don’t see why you hate her. unless you give a valid reason for hate, i don’t see the point. i’m just assuming you’re jealous and have something horrible going on with yourself, so i hope that you come to your senses and get better.💓
hon back up you just mad cause she talented
stop the hate and #cuddlecatsinstead
clearly you can read if you can make fun of her page like that so read these comments of common sense and stop
And who cares about you? And if you didn’t care that much then why would you care to make a hatepage for her? You’re the childish one
being Asian is a reason to be proud
and what’s wrong with her bio?
well, everyone has the right to be proud of their nationality
I like Floha not Floha_hatepage