This is from the beginning of the year🔹


This is from the beginning of the year🔹

20 0
awwwww thx
ur so beautiful and amazing looking
awwww ur the best
Thanks guys😊
yeah it's been ages how are you xx
I'm good :)) I'm watching Sherlock
I’m doing great! I’ve been kind of existential this past week, and it hasn’t been fun at all, but I’m happy for now.
cool lol
I hope you have a good day today. Remember to take your antidepressants💕
Thank you :)
I keep going in and out of existential ruts and it’s really annoying. But yesterday was good and today is so far.
So yay :)
Thanks for the support :D
Oh no😬Is there a certain time you’re supposed to take them, or can you take them any time of day?
Oh okay.
Is it night where you are?
lol I'm really warm
It’s 2:37 p.m here
That’s great! Every little step counts💕
I’m an hour behind you
oh well at least the summer will be warm 💗💗
I’m still praying for her, I haven’t forgotten. I wish her the best of luck♥️
I feel like everyone hates me
cuz my friend is making me wanna kill myself
lying to me