Changed my username and icon


Changed my username and icon

8 0
does anyone like it
I do too💕
I really like it
hi I read your comments on your page
lonelyforever15 are you 2023russellk lover
no we aren't
I have a boyfriend
I made a chat page for us midnight devil16
ok I just sent you a comment on the chat page
I saw
you saw what
the comment on are chat page
there’s a new comment on chat page
I saw
there is a new comment on our chat page
I've seen it
hey how are you
hey, so what do you need advice on? Just remix the collage on my page that says relationships, love, and stuff. I’ll be able to respond to you there. You might have to scroll down a bit to reach that collage (it’s pink). Hope to year from you soon😊
Oh my gosh, don’t listen to me. ugh I’m so dumb. I just realized that we already have a chat page, I thought you were someone else cause of the new icon and stuff. I don’t even know how I thought that cause this collage is telling me that you have a new icon. lol sry