Collage by Thorn_Rose


10 1
typing is hard ok
I swear sometimes I really want to but I also feel guilty bc she's full of herself but doesn't realize it and if I told her that she pīsses me off sometimes I would be completely crushing her
but like she seriously that that cleared her for saying whatever she likes about the gays
plus she has like three I know them and I have like 10 plus oh yeah ME
ugh sorry for ranting
'no exceptions' see u in the Supreme Court sweaty ;))))))
i woulda fùckèd Jesus bc ya know it said in the bible he was gettin down with the hos, prostitutes, and tax-collectors drinking and being 'immoral' i'm sure jesus and i would've had some chemistry ;)
why did i think this
'ah man i can't believe jesus is a het 😤😤😩😩'
'u need Jesus' yeah man in my âśś catch ya later bud
the str8ies are all cursed and it's all because of society tbh man i'm a lil bit sorry for them unless they still pushin their crummy áśś homophobic agenda on ppl then f ÛCKoff m8
me: honey i have the greatest suggestion for you, not caring about my life
str8s: u know i can't do that
me: haha fûçk off
that's a tad strict
ok then
I mean I am in no way saying that to her but ok