Plz no snooping


Plz no snooping

17 1
I’m actually crying right now
I just wanna die
how bad is the bullying?
like what are they doing?
it’s not the worst but it does lower my self esteem. they don’t bully me physically but mentally
plz no
don’t do it
I know that feeling and it isn’t pleasant
there are so many things that make me want to keep going, keep trying but......I feel like I have no more of that
ugh man, hearing that makes me pist. IDK why they put so much effort into bullying you when they should be trying to live their lives and do something else that’s much more fun
it’s like they’ve all left
all died and vanshied
your friends??
no just things in general that used to make me happy
so there is nothing else? nothing at all?
all gone.
what about your close friends on PC?
I have to sleep soon btw, it’s not good for my mental health so if I disappear out of nowhere you’ll now why
there still here but it’s not the same. why do I feel like everyone hates me?
ok same, it’s true though getting a good nights rest does help
Its helped me a little bit
I know it’s hard mentally right now, but try to keep your body healthy too. make sure you’re at least eating three meals a day
I don’t even eat anymore.....I’ve lost to much weight like 12kgs
are you serious?? plz don’t stop eating for too long. that’s a lot of weight lose
I’m being dead serious....all I have is like water and a biscuit
and everyone does NOT hate you
there’s no reason to hate on you, just people be salty af
water and a biscuit is not enough to keep you alive long, it’s not healthy
well who cares, no one will care if I die anyway
NO plz don’t
PLZ trust me I know that feeling, dying won’t help
ok thank you for this. I actually thank you from the bottom of my heart....but I need to go to sleep
bye angel
ok I understand but just plz don’t do it
and I will post it and it not bad I like it
for you I won’t....
thank you 🙏
ok...have a good nights rest and I hope God clears your mind so you won’t have bad dreams