Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


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Of course we care! We rant on here all the time..
Ok, so, there a a BUNCH of reasons I followed you guys. Your stories are so interesting, and in some cases, make me laugh. Your posts are so amazing, I love all of them!! Thanks for becoming a picollager! Your stories are great to read, and the fact that it's true, is, well, AMAZING!
Oh, and thanks for liking and following me, I'm new at this, and I'm glad people like you support me! I wasn't sure if people would like it.
Thank you!^
You guys are one of my faves
because your account is the story of you journey and it feels almost like we are living it along with you? I don't know you're just inspirational.. four of you on the run., the amount of nerve and guts to do this is incredible x
*your not you
True, problems, problems, problems, everywhere. Every time a problem is solved a new one comes up (I have experience with problems.) Then that problem gets solved and another comes up, a never ending trail of problems. I wish they'd go away as well.βœ¨πŸƒ
you inspire me, and since you you inspired me, I already have 107 followers!!
It just feels exciting, to know that there are four runaways somewhere, living life as it should be.
Because everyone deserves a follower no matter who the person! You are an amazing friend!
it's f fun to read about what you guys do every day I look forward to looking at your pic collage and see what happens PLEASE FOLLOW ME
You spammed me so I decided to check out your account ( thanks for the spams by the way) I then read your stories! They are really good and the best part is .. they are true! You have really good other collages as well
I followed you because I see how much your struggling and are together like family. I also like how you guys are truthful and have amazing adventures together.
I followed u because u followed me and u tell about your amazing adventures
you looked cool
this is a really cool accountπŸ˜€
You have such a cool account! You deserve every followerπŸ‘πŸ‘
cuz my life is super boring and I like hearing other people's experiences