I love The Score!


I love The Score!

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Your drawings are probably better than all my old ones!
tY. I just copied a load of stuff back then. To me it just looks bad oof
this is cute !
thank you for being so nice and understanding🤧I’ll be back soon I promise!! ❤️💓💕 also wanted to let you know this is cute!!💞
omg I LOVE THIS SM!!!! ah it’s so aesthetic and goro💞💕💕👏👍🌚
btw we think it’s @_Epihany_ Bc well they both have the exact vocabulary and you know how yesterday she started to tell her that me and Peachy were talking about her well she read our chatpage and since you kind of to worry about it maybe she decided to do this idk it’s a thought we don’t know for sure if it is Tacy or not