My school really is something 

We did fitness testing today I PE and it sûcked because Pacer test

But! I played Cards against Humanity with Friend Boy and some other sort of friends in Study Hall and I won
It was...incredibly dirty but still hilarious


My school really is something We did fitness testing today I PE and it sûcked because Pacer test But! I played Cards against Humanity with Friend Boy and some other sort of friends in Study Hall and I won It was...incredibly dirty but still hilarious

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I love these 😂
I hate the Pacer test
The FittnessGram™️ Pacer Test is a multi stage aerobic capacity test that gets progressively more difficult as it continues
who that means cows are more popular than
^^^omggg elysia i hate the pacer test too
The FittnessGram™️ Pacer Test is a multi stage aerobic capacity test that gets progressively more difficult as it continues. the 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seoconds. line up at the start. the rubbing spped starts slowly, but gets gaster each minute after you hear this sound. a single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. *BEEP* remember to run in a straight line, and run as LONG as possible. the test will begin on the word start. on your mark, get ready, START
hhahha lol.😂😂
rubbing spped.. gaster
“oh yeah my rubbing speed is 71 rubs a minute, and I’m getting gaster each day, hbu?”
i’m the christopher in my english class fr
life is like the fitness gram pacer test. it progressively gets more difficult as it continues.